Talk:Spell Expertise (5e Feat)

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I'm concerned about the power level of this feat. Granting powerful spells at will breaks the resource economy of 5e (since the feat doesn't specify a limit on spell levels), and the other two bullet points basically grant a free Heightened and Quickened metamagic on every casting of that spell. This is already way too strong, but you get to choose more spells as you level? This needs a rewrite to be even close to balanced. — Geodude Chatmod.png (talk | contribs | email)‎‎ . . 08:54, 26 September 2018 (MDT)

Edited to be much more balanced (feedback is welcome on if it's balanced enough, yet). I think limiting it to a single spell and each ability once per rest is much better than having over half a dozen free super spells. --Dorlon (talk) 23:09, 3 December 2018 (MST)