Talk:Scro (5e Race)
Why are scro described as goblinoids if they're orcs? 02:51, 23 March 2017 (UTC)
fixed 2nd edition leftover :)--Azzdan (talk) 03:23, 23 March 2017 (UTC)
Couldn't you just use the orc racial statistics in Volo's Guide to Monsters for scro, changing the suggested alignment to lawful evil? 01:27, 25 March 2017 (UTC)
you could I guess but a lawfual evil orc doesn't have the feel of a scro the traits should be different then what is in volo guide--Azzdan (talk) 05:33, 25 March 2017 (UTC)
In some instances, Dukgash is referred to as Dukagsh. Which is it? SirSprinkles (talk) 07:55, 25 March 2017 (UTC) they all should be fixed now--Azzdan (talk) 14:00, 25 March 2017 (UTC)
"Dukagsh's Chosen" is only beneficial, any reason why you wouldn't choose it? Since feats are optional, this should also be marked as a "variant" (like the human variant). Marasmusine (talk) 08:36, 25 March 2017 (UTC)
changed it a bit should be better now--Azzdan (talk) 14:16, 25 March 2017 (UTC)
ConcealedLight please give me a balance reason why you changed the page from my last change I can understand maybe changing the bite from a d3 to a d4 to keep it standard9i look hard for a official d3 somewhere in 5th ed but didn't find one) but 1 piercing damage is also a standard in the Monster Manuel and if you give them the strength bonus to the bite the 1 dmg is better than a d4. Scro get elven their hated toward elfs makes them learn the language so they can insult and demean them in their own language is so great it is mentioned in the monster manel(2e) entry as well as the complete spacefarers handbook(2ed). and the chosen sub race the way written in then last is no more powerful than other subraces in the dmg. I disagree with the stats you are giving it(if you what to give them a choice between wisdom or int maybe but the 3 different stats no.(still feel int and str is the way to go. I even thought about the bouns being +2 str and +1 int)I gave them less magics bonus so they can keep the skills even if the are born different they get the same training as other scro in fact they are expected to excel at everything they do. and as for locking the page maybe you should be the one explaining why you want to change something instead of the other way around. I have changed the page multiple times due to feedback from admins to make it more balanced Azzdan (talk)
- Natural weapons should be at a minimum a d4 as any creature with natural weapons deals 1 plus their strength modifier in damage hence you're making the trait redundant. Next, the Ability Score Increases being changed to a +2 to Intelligence makes little sense by comparison to other races that get a +2 to such a score, the three-way asi's are fine as they are. There is nothing about the race that makes them more as linguistically gifted as other races yet they learn three languages, one of which is elvish, it doesn't make much sense. There are plenty of ways to insult an elf without even doing anything given their haughty and self-important nature. Finally, Dukagsh's Chosen serves as a variant that sits on top of the original race by letting them keep all their traits and get a free cantrip, there is no reason to not be Dukagsh's Chosen, and the original is now by comparison made redundant. Hope that explains the flaws in the recent edits and this event encourages you to speak to others on the talk page when invited to do so. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 03:43, 23 February 2019 (MST)
- One, I never saw anything on the talk page from you, I was the one who asked you why you keep changing things.
Two I will change it(assuming you unlock the page which was poor form especially when you locked it in your version only) to elvish and orc for languages to keep it to 2. the original published information on Scro stressed the use of elven. three there are multiple entries in the Monster Manuel with 1 damage listed. 1d4 + str is too much damage. that is a preference of yours not a game balance issue. the bite info in the source material was in there as some thing they did to elves for added vengeance. they keep the ears of any elf killed that way for a trophy. I don't want them to be a biteing race all the time they are more civilized than that. four ill rewrite the chosen for only a +2 in intelligence no 3rd plus for stats that way it is a negative with no skill loss five I did like your change with the scro bite as a bouns action insteed of the advantage on attack.
- See the history tab, the summary is also displayed on your watchlist, I'm not sure how you could not have seen it. The point about the natural weapons was highlighting redundancy not saying that a race couldn't have a d4 natural weapon, after all the lizardfolk have a d6 and the tabaxi a d4. Still not sure how a +2 version equals to a variant of the original or reasonably compares to other races with a +2 to intelligence. Four "~"'s for that, I believe there is a guide on your talk page in your welcome message. Lastly, the wiki has a no pretty strict no cursing policy but since it doesn't seem intentional or malicious I'll alter the text and not issue a warning.
—ConcealedLight(talk) 13:03, 23 February 2019 (MST)
- See the history tab, the summary is also displayed on your watchlist, I'm not sure how you could not have seen it. The point about the natural weapons was highlighting redundancy not saying that a race couldn't have a d4 natural weapon, after all the lizardfolk have a d6 and the tabaxi a d4. Still not sure how a +2 version equals to a variant of the original or reasonably compares to other races with a +2 to intelligence. Four "~"'s for that, I believe there is a guide on your talk page in your welcome message. Lastly, the wiki has a no pretty strict no cursing policy but since it doesn't seem intentional or malicious I'll alter the text and not issue a warning.