Talk:Races (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Vampire and Androids[edit]

Hello there! I have a suggestion of a race and a subrace, which I think would add on to the variety of the setting! I'd like permission to the addition of these races, since I have a good grasp of what the setting's balance is like.


Vampires are a relatively minor race in Dragon Ball, only really appearing on OG Dragon Ball. But I believe they have lots of potential! Since they're too barebones for a full on race, what I'd like to do is to create a Vampire subrace for Earthlings. They'd get the Vampire transformation for free, and it would count as a supplementary form that doesn't spend Ki Points for them.

I understand what the balancing concerns would be, specially considering their hp drain ability. The thing is, the Vampire form falls off really hard once you reach late game. Well, even Advanced technique forms are superior.


Androids are a more interesting topic to discuss. Since we did the same for bio-androids, I'd like to create a race that allows you to play as a normal android early on. Following the same structure of Bio Androids, we can lower their technique tier by one for learning purposes (Super > Advanced > Basic).

Xandelicious (talk) 16:45, 2 March 2025 (UTC)

I think both ideas have potential, but I have a few thoughts on the implementation.
For Androids, I agree that a full Android race makes sense for purely mechanical beings like Android 16, Android 8, Gamma 1 and 2. However on the case that you meant androids in the sense of modified individuals like 17 and 18, it makes more sense to keep them as their original race with the Android transformation rather than a full race swap, as it is already. That way, it stays true to how modifications work and still allows them to access their racial features without a lot of subrace convolutions.
As for Vampires, I don’t see a problem with introducing them, but I have some concerns about making it a subrace exclusively for Earthlings. Since the Vampire transformation is already available to all races, why should Earthlings be the only ones who can perfect or get an inherent advantage with it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to introduce that idea as a feat or boon that enhances Vampirism instead? That way, any race could specialize in their vampiric abilities rather than locking it to a single species.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on these ideas. -- P@uL (talk) 16:04, 2 March 2025 (UTC)
Hello there again! Thanks for the surprisingly quick response, here's my response to both ideas:
Vampires- I completely agree on avoiding locking them, my original suggestion was simply because I thought vampires were just a variation of human, so it made sense to me. It could totally work out as an Epic Boon that makes you a master vampire like Lucifer, granting you the benefits listed before in my first suggestion. I would be fine with making said boon, with permission of course.
Androids- I guess leaving modified androids out of the equasion makes sense, specially since we'd have to add the features of other races to their shenenigans, and that'd certainly would make balancing hard. Making it something based solely around mechanical androids like 16, 8 and others would work best. Once again, I'm open to working on both if granted permission.
Thanks again for the quick response! Xandelicious (talk) 16:45, 2 March 2025 (UTC)
All good, I totally support both ideas and I'd like to see what you come up with. -- P@uL (talk) 20:15, 2 March 2025 (UTC)
Yo! just giving my cents about theses ideas. About the Vampire, i personally think it will both Epic Boon or Feat will work wonders to it (But i'm more into the idea of a Feat, because i don't see being powerfull enough to fit a Epic Boon level of power), how exactly this Feat/Epic Boon will work is that they cut the maintain cost in half or nearly complete turn the cost to 0, let's say this: the Vampire Feat will make that only can be maintained with HP, but you only must pay 1d10 (At lv1 you average die in damage will be 2 + X, assuming a +5, you will gain 3HP per attack, in theory with 1 Attack from the Attack Action and 1 from the bonus action, you gain 6HP in a turn and can maintain the form with no problem) and making a Supplement Form instead of Base. While about the Android, i'm with same boat of making only about Full Machine Droids (16, 8 and Gammas), mostly they would be just like a Warforged, but they MAYBE would get a feature the evolve with time (like the other races have). give your shots broda!!! Big Hugs []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ----Midalos (talk) 21:58, 2 March 2025 (UTC)
The boon was already made, take a look, I think it's fine and straight to the point without overcomplicating things. --P@uL (talk) 22:08, 2 March 2025 (UTC)
How Ronnie Colleman would say: LOOKING GOOD!!!! \^o^/ ----Midalos (talk) 22:10, 2 March 2025 (UTC)