Talk:Order of the Planemind (5e Subclass)
Edited the class to be more in line with my current version.
This took an insane amount of time too fix for me, and im still not sure how too mark witch class its for.
Okay so I did a full revamp of the subclass to make it more balanced, less confusing and easier to use.
First things first, the other mystic orders has a system, 2 first level abilities, usually bonus proficiences and bonus diciplines. I'm using the Nomad tree for bonus disciplines because this subclass is about informationa and opening the mind etc etc, more flavorful. Gave you some bonus proficiences to help you sneak around and do spirit stuff.
Next let's talk about Astral Projection. The previous version was more interactive, with Kinetic Field (previous ability) and everything, interesting but ultimately convuluted and confusing. This streamlined version asks the question, 'what does this ability do' and answers, 'well this is a scouting ability'. Effectivly you can go into places that no one else can, but you are severly limitied in what you can do, you are also limited by time. Having those restrictions allows this ability to be as powerul as it is now.
Astral Possession was once 6th level and I think thats a bit too early for such a powerful ability. So I juiced up the power and made it level 14.
That leaves Planemind, which was the most interesting ability that I saw. Being able to project to other planes is a fascinating concept to explore. However, going to a random location is counter-intutuitive, and just being able to go by just hearsay (e.g.: 'I read about this place in a book, let me pop over and see what its like') is too powerful. So I limited it to you to actually had to be there before. It's kinda like Scrying excpect for a location. Either way, bumped down to level 6.
I know that the mystic class has been abandoned by Wizards of the Coast but I still really enjoy playing it, and I want others to enjoying playing mystic to have more and better homebrew options to choose from. I hope people who come across this will find it interestin, simple and balanced enough to use in their own games.