Talk:Norse Shield (5e Equipment)

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A +6 bonus to AC against nonmagical projectiles would be overpowered even for a legendary magic item, let alone an uncommon one. Consider that a very rare +3 shield only grants that +3 bonus to AC. Even a uncommon +1 shield is drastically weaker than this item. In a typical campaign, most attacks fall into the "physical" category, so that wouldn't be enough to offset a huge boon. - Guy (talk) 14:03, 28 April 2017 (UTC)

Changes made[edit]

Now adds your proficiency to your AC when attacked by a physical projectile instead of +6

Not much of a difference, considering that, at higher levels, a character's proficiency bonus becomes +6. Also, what about monsters? I know monsters have defined proficiency bonuses, but it's easier to have a defined bonus. SirSprinkles (talk) 04:19, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

i have made the following changes, taking the advice above into consideration.

- now adds +4 to AC instead of proficiency.

- noted that spells ignore these abilities.

--Roman 02:10, 9 May 2017 (UTC)