Talk:Mutant Template (3.5e Template)

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Template as a Class. If you do not want to take a standard class you can continue to gain mutant abilities, so long as they do not overlap (unless rolled: for example if you get Super Strength you can get it again so long as you get the 99-100% mark getting a +30 to strength. However somethings don't stack. Gaining the DR again will not double your DR range, same goes for SR. Gaining the Psionics abilities will not grant more psionics, but can level you as per a Psion. You can gain SU or EA ability multiple times so long as the SU or EA selected doesn't overlap. In some cases you can gain more than one type of the same SU or EX ability, such as Control Water and Control Fire...)

In this case, when it is time for you to level, you can do one of two things: Roll for a new ability, or expand on an ability you already have. The later of course is for expansion on things like Psionics, where you progress further along in the Psion class (without class features) to gain more psionics, power points, and high level psionic abilities. Either way you increase your LA by 1, gaining an HD and 4+int for skill points.

Example Character

Human Mutant Kineticist level 10

Rolled abilities: 27% grants DR and 13% makes it Cold iron, total DR is 5/ Cold iron 54% grants an SU or EO Ability: 46% grants Fly, a Roll of 31% grants wings. Fly speed is 60 feet. 90% grants Psionics as per Psion equal to forth level, six psionic abilities are gained with a power pool of 17, max power level known is 2nd.

This setup can grant many more powers and random mutant types.

Male Human Mutant 4 Kineticist 6 Chaotic Neutral

Strength 15 (+2) Dexterity 22 (+6) Constitution 19 (+4) Intelligence 20 (+5) Wisdom 13 (+1) Charisma 14 (+2) Size: Medium Height: 5' 9" Weight: 210 lb Skin: Black Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Straight; Beardless

Total Hit Points: 93 [includes psionic body bonus: 5 psionic feats]

Speed: 30 feet, Fly 60 (average) (Winged)

Armor Class: 16 = 10 +6 [dexterity]

DR 5/cold iron Touch AC: 16 Flat-footed: 10 Initiative modifier: +6 = +6 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +8 = 4 [base] +4 [constitution] Reflex save: +12 = 6 [base] +6 [dexterity] Will save: +9 = 8 [base] +1 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): +7 = 5 [base] +2 [strength] Attack (unarmed): +7 = 5 [base] +2 [strength] Attack (missile): +11 = 5 [base] +6 [dexterity] Grapple check: +7 = 5 [base] +2 [strength]

Light load: 66 lb. or less Medium load: 67-133 lb. Heavy load: 134-200 lb. Lift over head: 200 lb. Lift off ground: 400 lb. Push or drag: 1000 lb.

Languages: Celestial Common Elven Undercommon


Quick Draw Overchannel [psionic] Talented [psionic] Body Fuel [psionic] Psicrystal Affinity [psionic] Psionic Body [psionic] Ability focus (psionic)

Appraise Int 5 = +5 Balance Dex* 6 = +6 Bluff Cha 7 = +2 5 Climb Str* 7 = +2 5 Concentration Con 9 = +4 +5 Craft_1 Int 5 = +5 Craft_2 Int 5 = +5 Craft_3 Int 5 = +5 Diplomacy Cha 12 = +2 10 Disable Device Int 10 = +5 +5 Disguise Cha 7 = +2 5 Escape Artist Dex* 6 = +6 Forgery Int 5 = +5 Gather Information Cha 2 = +2 Heal Wis 1 = +1 Hide Dex* 11 = +6 5 Intimidate Cha 2 = +2 Jump Str* 12 = +2 10 Knowledge (planes) Int 15 = +5 +10 Listen Wis 1 = +1 Move Silently Dex* 6 = +6 Open Lock Dex 10 = +6 +5 Perform_1 Cha 2 = +2 Perform_2 Cha 2 = +2 Perform_3 Cha 2 = +2 Perform_4 Cha 2 = +2 Perform_5 Cha 2 = +2 Profession Wis 6 = +1 +5 Ride Dex 6 = +6 Search Int 10 = +5 +5 Sense Motive Wis 6 = +1 5 Sleight of Hand Dex* 11 = +6 +5 Spot Wis 6 = +1 5 Survival Wis 1 = +1 Swim Str** 2 = +2 Use Rope Dex 4 = +4 Autohypnosis Wis 8 = +1 +5 +2 [concentration] Knowledge (psionics) Int 112 = +5 +5 +2 [autohypnosis] Psicraft Int 15 = +5 +10 Use psi device Cha 7 = +2 +5

  • = check penalty for wearing armor

Human: Extra feat at first level (already included) Four extra skill points at first level (already included) One extra skill point at each additional level (already included) Kineticist:

Write your psi abilities on your own.

Class HP rolled Mutant 1 Psion (generalized) Mutant 2 Psion (generalized) Mutant 3 Psion (generalized) Mutant 4 Psion (generalized) +1 Constitution Level 1: Kineticist 4 Level 2: Kineticist 4 Level 3: Kineticist 2 Level 4: Kineticist 4 +1 to constitution Level 5: Kineticist 2 Level 6: Kineticist 3 Level 7: Kineticist 4

73 Power Points/Day:

Not really sure what to do with this, but someone obviously put time into so I'm putting it here. Coaldstone (talk) 15:32, 15 August 2019 (MDT)