Talk:Mind of Power (3.5e Feat)

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Too Good[edit]

I find this feat too good. Getting a +2/-2 I can accept, but a +2/+2/+2/-2 is way too good. --Dmilewski 10:15, 12 July 2007 (MDT)

Absolutely true. I changed it to Con -2 Int/Wis/Cha +1. This is still pretty good, this is normally an Epic feat (ability score +1). We should check all feats of the "the Gift" line, there are some rather weak ones, some are extremely overpowered (like this one), and some have awkward mechanics. --Mkill 10:51, 12 July 2007 (MDT)
Well, it is rather good, but for most characters it doesn't work out quite as well as it first appears. Overall, the character needs to sacrifice 4 points of Constitution and 3 Feat slots to get it (The Gift, Telepathy, Mind of Power), and needs to invest 13 or more in Charisma (not a high priority for most characters): a Wizard or Cleric could achieve a similar result under point-buy by transferring points from Con and Cha, and save 3 feats. But, yes, some characters (mainly those that use Charisma) can gain a lot from it. However, I'll accept the reduction to +1, but I'll also reduce the Con penalty accordingly (to -1). This gives a "neutral" result on points overall (-3 Con, +1 to 3 mental stats). An appropriately-designed character can still gain a useful mental boost from this, and those with d4 hitdice can avoid the full crippling impact of -4 Con. Findail 04:52, 14 July 2007 (MDT)