Talk:Martial-Arts Book (5e Equipment)

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This Feat is definitely unbalanced and the text is probably poorly written, but I'd like to hear your opinion on that. What should I change and correct to fix it? If you have any ideas on new martial arts books you are welcome to add your propositions.

Of Feats and Balance[edit]

Hello. Two things. Firstly, gaining additional things as you level, choosing from avalible options, prereq for taking options directly tied to level, those are done by classes. Feats are not class features, they do not scale with class you have. So propably it would be better to make some separate feats to take, built from options presented. Feats should offer their benefits at the point of taking the feat, not at some other level or smth. Also you refer to ki points as prereq, but inside options have level prereq? Kind of inconsistent.

Secondly, balance. A feat that lets you have +6 to attack and damage rolls on unarmed strikes is nuts. Feats should not just be static bonuses or flat increases meant to optimize a character, but should instead offer something new to flesh out characters and make the game more interesting. If feat gives you what ASI does, it is not good. If it gives considerably more than what ASI does, then it is bad, or at least badly balanced. None of the features here is inbalanced(beside those three), but taking three of them, and having, for example: 6 attacks a turn for 10 feet radius, and all that at +3 is not a balanced option--Cezaryx (talk) 03:09, 20 January 2022 (MST)

Better off as a Magic Item? [edit]

As touched on above, this is very strangely designed for a feat. Usually feats don't give you bonuses besides the level you get them at. I would actually think these would be better served as monk-specific magic items similar to the tomes and manuals. --ZarHakkar (talk) 23:49, 21 January 2022 (MST)