Talk:Manchineel Trees (5e Hazard)
Firstly, in the rain the toxin of the manchineel tree becomes acid and, in my opinion, should do some kind of damage. Second, their should be a note for when burned, the smoke with blind anyone near. Thank you for reading my advice and I hope we can work together soon. Flamestarter (talk) 18:51, 2 October 2019 (MDT)Flamestarter
The toxin being affected by rain is already in the rules of the hazard. If anything, it's probably the most important part, since it can turn light rain into a legitimate threat. You can alter it to do acid or poison damage, but my research on the topic has noted that manchineel toxin is explicitly not powerful enough to kill humans on its own, so any direct externally-caused damage should be non-lethal. The one exception to this is the unconfirmed hypothesis that the effects could be lethal if ingested, since it could force the airway closed long enough to suffocate the victim. If this is possible, it would require an abnormally high amount of the toxin, since the amount normally ingested is about one bite before a person realizes the mistake.
Separately, I didn't find anything on smoke blindness, but it is believable given what I know about the effects of the toxin. I'd make it temporary blindness, no more severe than the current effects (This would probably be an area of effect that causes not only blindness, but probably a small amount of poison damage and inability to act (Incapacitated) for at least a round on a fail). On the note of working together, I'd be down for it but I'm not on the site very often anymore because I've got other stuff going on. Just leave a note on the discussion page of my user page for what you want to work together on. --Supersmily5 (talk) 21:13, 2 October 2019 (MDT)