Talk:Magic Numbers of 5e (5e Guideline)

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This doesn't seem like a guideline, but more like a collection of trivia.

I think it's interesting and fine to have, just maybe not under this category. 5e Other, maybe? - Guy 12:36, 8 May 2022 (MDT)

It's not currently complete, but the idea behind this as a guideline is that it's intended to demystify the presence of seemingly arbitrary numbers in the rules of D&D 5E so that homebrew creators are more informed about them and know when to use them in their own work. For example, using this guide, you'd know that if you wanted additional effects to trigger based on how severely one failed a saving throw, you would know that in vanilla 5E such effects trigger when you fail a save by 5 or more, as opposed to say, 7 or 14 more.--ZarHakkar (talk) 20:41, 8 May 2022 (MDT)