Talk:Jack-of-all-classes (5e Class)

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Hi, it's not "stats" and "health"; it's "ability scores" and "hit points". Marasmusine (talk) 13:58, 13 November 2021 (MST)

Hello helpful person. You are correct about replacing "stat" with "ability score". I disagree with "health" with "hit points". Extra health and [insert class here] health are temporary hit points, not an increase of hit points. As I recall all sources of temporary hit points have a name. I do agree that health is a poor name. What would be a better name than "health" or "temporary hit points"?

(talk) 21:00, 13 November 2021 (MST)

5e uses hit points, not health, so hit points is standard formatting. --Lavie (talk) 21:23, 13 November 2021 (MST)

The word "health" was a placeholder for a feature that grants temporary hit points. It is not increasing maximum hit points or regaining lost hit points. As "health" is too misleading, "buffer" is the new placeholder word.

levelnom 22:20, 13 November 2021 (MST)

I presume it is the prism granting you extra staying power because you've changed to a front-line class. Just adding an extra word to "Health" might help... "Battle Health" or something. I only picked up on it because it is a common misnomer for HP. Marasmusine (talk) 00:41, 14 November 2021 (MST)

The whole idea about this class is the ability to change between the 12 dnd classes. As per normal, it comes at a cost: you are weaker than the real class. As such, the front-line classes in the traditional 12 classes should be also front-line for jack-of-all-classes. I am currently making a revamp for several reasons:

  • It is unnecessary complex and the wording can be much better
  • After playtesting, the ability to change classes on-demand is not as powerful as expected. As such, the mimicked classes need to be at a higher level.
  • I got a new idea to greatly simplify this complex class

levelnom 7:30, 14 November 2021 (MST)

If you don't mind my saying, I'm struggling to imagine how the class works narratively, it seems more like a mechanical exercise. Marasmusine (talk) 00:50, 15 November 2021 (MST)

The main reason this class exists is for the mechanical exercise. BUT it is always planned to flesh out the narrative aspect of the class in the introduction. If looked at carefully, most class and subclass feature starts with one sentence on why it works narratively (poorly).

The original narrative reason for this class to work is that a person found a rare prism. Over time, that person learns that it is a magical prism capable of storing objects and memories. The user can store equipment inside the prism similarly to a bag of holding.

A big aspect of the definition of a class is experience and memories. The prism has the ability to store the memories of the class' feature so that the user has more memory space for more memories. A smart person, like jack-of-all-classes, would learn as much as possible about one class. Once completed, they can put that memory into the prism. Without the memory of hard-earned training, that person is like a baby once more; ready to soak in new knowledge. This method allows learning multiple classes' features in a fraction of the time.

After a long training of multiple classes and storing the memories into the prism. The user of the prism can take stored memories of classes and utilize them in everyday life. A person can remember so much. It would be a big feat to remember enough memories for two classes at once. The narrative reason why only one class can be active at a time.

It is a low priority to create and flesh out a good introduction that provides all of this. It is not easy for me to make all of this information into a more story format.

levelnom 1:10, 15 November 2021 (MST)