Talk:Half-Human Half-Phantom (5e Race)

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Don't Trust Friends of Friends[edit]

So, previously I'd been told by an acquaintance of mine to do something about healing for this race. For said acquaintance, I decided to make healing that doesn't normally work on undead have halved effectiveness. Of course, I'd made this change since this acquaintance called it a "balancing change". More recently, I've learned that this acquaintance is a little notorious among their friends for hating homebrew and having a strong bias against it. I've been told by several different people I know well and trust that the change this acquaintance had suggested was in fact unnecessary and that the race was fine before. In short, I've gone and removed the previously mentioned change, since it has been revealed that it was nothing more than an unwarranted nerf the acquaintance had wanted made due to their hatred for homebrew content. - Alice-chan (talk) 21:39, 27 January 2019 (MST)

Multiple Existing Fictions[edit]

Can I please please please, add an image of Danny Phantom to this? I feel like it would 1. be hilarious, and 2. allow for additional interpretations of the race that could lead to broader use.Thewordywarlock (talk) 18:42, 7 July 2019 (MDT)

Sorry, but I'll have to say no. I'd rather keep the race the way it is currently. I had something specific in mind when creating it, and I'd rather keep it to that. - Alice-chan (talk) 08:04, 2 July 2019 (MDT)
Understood, thanks for responding.Thewordywarlock (talk) 18:42, 7 July 2019

can i make the phantom ball do something anything (talk)--Finnamal (talk) 19:34, 3 August 2023 (MDT)finnamal

If you're asking about specific combat mechanics, that's a question you should ask the DM of your campaign, though this race does have an exclusive Feat available that might help with that. Otherwise, you absolutely can do whatever you'd like with the half-phantom (the phantom ball) for role-play flavour! Half-human half-phantoms are able to fully control the actions of their phantom halves. In fact, many half-phantoms will move or act in a way that reflects the emotional state of their half-human counterpart; get creative! - Alice-chan (talk) 09:34, 4 August 2023 (MDT)