Talk:Flesh Abomination (5e Race)

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I would need more specifics as to the full list of grammatical errors, and honestly would appreciate the fixing of them as I am still learning to code, so adding on the proper grammar is something I'm likely to miss. Nonetheless, I have updated some of the grammar I found directly listed, and changed the "tokens" listed in Essence Reaver to "any expended uses of class abilities" for clarity on that portion.

Flesh Armory has been updated, while I had intended it to work the way described in the notes, I simply failed to specify the means of which you remove the item, and the limit of 1 item per. As such, the removal of a melded weapon has been stated to take one action, and any additional uses of this ability will require the removal of the existing weapon, if one is currently being used by this trait. Otherwise, the Cursed Item will function the same, requiring the action and Constitution Saving Throw to boot.

Essence Reaver being able to heal was a task that I underwent to balance and create something for the player that would be able to survive in combat. An idea inspired by one of my players, I understand that not everyone will be so kind to just leave an obvious loophole of hitting a bag of rats unexploited. It is my thought of simply expecting things to be broken, but hoping that it will fall into the hands of those less abusive of such traits. On the matter, Flurry of Blows would also heal for quite a bit, as you would make 3 attacks on a target, which at level 6 would amount to 6 healing. Action Surge Extra Attack Fighters would also gain a bunch of healing per turn, a total of 6 attacks, double what the Monk has access to, albeit at a higher level. The list goes on, and while I do believe the balance of it can be broken, it is not my expectation of players to do so, and if a DM has such a player, I expect it will be handled accordingly. (Let things be broken in this fantasy world is my motto, even considering I did my best to make it feel somewhat balanced)

Edit: I also am purely confused on the fact that maximum hit points exist to prevent such a thing from happening? Temporary hitpoints exist sure, but it is not listed in the effects of Essence Reaver (And the only abuse I found is a Homebrew Feat called Overheal. It is not my intent to be rude with this edit, but I am confused and not sure if I even need to specify that the healing shouldn't be able to go over the max hp threshold, as the only thing that could break this is another Homebrew interaction that I didn't even make, so it wasn't on my list of "need's balancing". (Reference for hit point maximum

-OP (MrPositive101)

Essence Reaver Balance[edit]

After doing a bit of research, the "bag of rats exploitation" presumably operates under all things tiny. As such, I have updated the Essence Reaver trait to proc on "non-construct, non-elemental creatures of small size or larger. This should hopefully stomp out any exploitation of the trait on a base level.

- OP (MrPositive101)