Talk:Falco? (5e Optimized Character Build)

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Mobile Feat[edit]

One of the major issues with this build are oppertunity attacks. As you leave the space of a creature, you are prone to these. There are a few ways to counteract this, with the monk's Unarmored Defense AC, or Step of the Wind disengage bonus action. But even with high AC, strong monster's attack bonuses easily overcome it. And who want's to spend a ki point every round for the disengage bonus action, when it's better used for other abilities. Face it, you can still get hit, and progressively lose hit points. Now, if only there were a way past oppertunity attacks. Oh wait, there is. Falco's best friend is the Mobile feat. This allows you to bypass whoever tries to hit you with those pesky oppurtunity attacks. Not only that, but it provides you with +10 ft. movement speed. Now Falco is zooming around with a 90 ft. flying speed, outracing ancient dragons in the sky. With a Step of the Wind dash bonus action, you are going 180 ft. flying with an action to use however you wish, without attacks of oppertunity. Falco can speed through the air without an Arwing! -- D20Deity (talk) 9:41, 24 Febuary 2018

Wow. That's good. So good in fact, that I'm stealing it and adding it to the build! I wouldn't be stealing it, but I can't give you credit if you don't put your signature on it. In the bar of icons above this text in edit mode there's a squiggly line box that adds your profile signature to the text. Use it and I'll change the page to credit your part in it's creation! The signature also looks like this! --Supersmily5 (talk) 16:43, 23 February 2018 (MST)