Talk:Drevanius (Campaign Seed)

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Honestly, people, this is a 2? It only has some maps. I was thinking a 1 since I haven't worked on it - too much school. LordAflak 16:39, 14 February 2010 (UTC)LordAflakLordAflak 16:39, 14 February 2010 (UTC)

Do you understand our rating system? A 2 does not mean much. All 2 implies is that you have added some sparse information, which is true given that you have at least added some location information.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   16:55, 14 February 2010 (UTC)

Well apparently I didnt quite understand it. Thanks. But this one is kinda bare... What would 1 be, just a title? LordAflak