Talk:Dragonforger (5e Feat)

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nerfed dragonforging by doubling the platinum bars required for the same benefit and making armor/ shields magical items that require attunment and proficiency to use. -Dondatis 3/18

High monetary cost isn't a good way to balance feats, features, and the like. The only exception I can think of is resurrection spells, and that's because it's balancing the narrative power of resurrection, to prevent death from becoming cheap and ruining the stakes. Buying your way to mechanical superiority is a no-no because it's a just a one-time hurdle that leads to a permanent advantage. Plus, no one is going to take the feat if they can't clear the hurdle--otherwise it's just a wasted feat. Salasay 14:36, 18 April 2023 (MDT)
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