Talk:Dragon Disciple (5e Class)
There's... a lot wrong with this class. For starters, there's no such thing as a prestige class in 5e. You have the default classes, and subclasses. That brings me to the second issue, which is that the class only has 10 levels, and needs 20 to be an actual class. Technically you could leave it as is there I suppose, but that's more just leaving it unfinished than anything else.
You could call this a full homebrew class rather than a subclass, but it'd both be easier to implement and balance if you made it a subclass for an existing one. Now on to the balance issues.
d12 hit dice is FAR too high. The only class that has d12 is barbarian, and they have big trade offs for that. This should really be a d8, MAX. At least while this class has any access to spellcasting.
Dragon Claws- This might be okay, if the class didn't have access to spellcasting. As is, it's better damage than an unarmed strike a monk can do at level 10, which is a bit crazy.
Arcane spell progression is broken beyond belief, and needs a complete redesign. The idea that you could have a level 10 wizard with 10 levels in this while getting the full spell list progression is overwhelmingly overpowered.
Font of magic is okay, but needs to be considered carefully in reference to the skills you want to include. The stronger a caster the class is, the less martial it should be, and vice versa. It's also very risky in a design sense, as it automatically makes any sorcerer in the game nerfed in comparison, as you jack their unique class feature (unless this is a subclass of sorcerer)
Dragon breath- This is overpowered. This should match the dragonborn breath weapon, or enhance it rather than being an order of magnitude better on its own.
Dragon fear- Again, over powered. Could be made better by following the feat that it's taking it's name from, and require the use of a breath weapon slot. As written, it's on par with some 20th level abilities.
Blindsense- WAYWAYWAY overpowered. Rogues don't get blindsense till level 14, and it only works to a 10 ft radius. Make this a once a day power for a limited number of rounds, or require like a minute of meditation to activate it.
Extra attack- Too much. This class has too much access to spellcasting to justify extra attack. Neither Warlocks, Druids, nor clerics get extra attack and so far they are the best comparisons.
Dragon wings- Fine, but too early. Draconic sorcerers get this exact trait but 5 levels later.
- Hi, thanks for the feedback. Prestige classes actually were introduced to 5e as playtest content, and this class was created following that example. I’ll edit the design note to indicate this, as it’s not super clear. If you read the prerequisites, you need to be 5th level already to multiclass into this prestige class. Does this change your analysis? — Geodude
(talk | contribs | email) . . 18:40, 9 June 2022 (MDT)