Talk:Dragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)

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the attack bonus is flawed past level 9 and needs to be corrected witch has been done, not everybody will have Races of war to see these fixes so it should fallow standard -5 rule

Looks like a cool class to play, but that base attack bonus progression has me worried. Is that really 3 more attacks at +15 or just a fighter-class progression table that got misprinted?

Quirk of the people who wrote it. The idea is that your third and fourth attacks, in the standard SRD progression, would have little-to-no chance of hitting because they're seriously just that far behind (doing attacks with as much chance to hit as someone ten and then someone fifteen levels lower than you?) What do you really think those are going to do against something the same level as you? That quirk of the BAB was instituted and recommended for all BAB progressions to help melee people punch their actual weight. For further reading, check out the D&D Sourcebooks, and look at the Tome of Necromancy, Tome of Fiends, Dungeonomicon, and Races of War (this and some other combat system fixes/houserules are in Races of War, but the others are fun reading, too.)--Genowhirl 11:13, 9 November 2009 (MST)

The race should specify that you must be a True Dragon. A simple +1 LA template makes any race a dragon and thus eligible for these massive bonuses which, although not terribly impressive compared to a true dragon's power, become insane with a draconic rat... or kobold.

Why is this in categories Feats, Undead Feats, and Monstrous Feats? It's none of those things.

This class should specify what ability bonuses you get from the size increase. I had been wondering why a large dragon has only slightly more strength than a fourth level fighter. I would assume since it didn't specify, you would use the monster table which applies a +8 Str and +4 Con bonus with a -2 penalty to Dex. This seems much more appropriate for showing a dragon's power. The issue is that I didn't figure that out until recently and was wondering why a giant dragon isn't as strong as a giant ogre.