Talk:Cryptoss (3.5e Race)

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Undead PCs for the win.[edit]

I ike this race, very interesting, I always wanted to play some sort of intelligent undead. A few questions...

Clarify what undead traits are carried over (for example do they even have a Con score?). I totally do not mind if it's customized for the race too. I always found the lack Con makes being undead weak. I also wondered if there is any special bonuses, penalties, or changes with the undead, like being healed by negative, harmed by positive, or resistances or immunities to anything.

The other thing would be the spells that come with the class. Speak with dead is awesome, though be careful about Spectral Hand (useful!) and Animate Dead (both useful and powerful, 4th level). I didn't see a level adjustment on it (and I prefer LA 0 races anyway) and those might be too much for a LA 0 race.

Keep up the good work! -- Eiji 23:23, 1 September 2007 (MDT)