Talk:Counterattack Ace (5e Feat)
Needs balance[edit]
As it is currently written, this one feat can easily triple your damage output for a round if you're below 5th level—especially against anything that has multiattack. Besides that this benefit doesn't use your reaction, so you could still get the normal extra-attack-outside-of-your-turn that a reaction is normally consumed to make. The +2 ability score a feat is meant to replace doesn't even compare. In other words, it is incredibly overpowered on a character optimized to benefit from this feat.
Even if you could only ever make one of these counterattacks per turn, and it used your reaction, it's still arguably overpowered for a feat. It has the potential to do huge damage basically just for taking any damage. Raging barbarians fantasize about a feat that overpowered. - Guy 14:16, 25 September 2019 (MDT)