Talk:Clawfolk (5e Race)
I created this race mainly for my own setting, but I'm sure that it could be modified to fit into any other setting. Hell's Claws or the 'Claws are a large and harsh mountain range.
Maybe a little OP?[edit]
Is the trait Survival Instincts not a little bit op? Only a minute to make shelter for six people? Personally. I feel it should be more like ten minutes. And naturally speaking four languages?
Yah survival instincts is a bit too strong, I would say just proficiency in survival and/or nature. Also the ASI needs better wording maybe "+2 to dex,con, or wis, and +1 to the two scores you did not give the +2 to." I would sat just choose 1 of the scores to receive the +2 and make two subraces which give +1 to one of the others -- 17:23, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
Drop some of the quality of life features[edit]
I agree with the above post and think that this class gets too many luxury features. Since they are specifically a sub-race of human it doesn't make sense to have dark-vision. Next, speed needs to be just the number of ft, anything else should to be a feature of the class for clarification. Also, clarify the previous mentioned terrain related feature and make it specific to their native lands. Lastly, the elevation feature is my opinion completely unnecessary. Assuming the world you live on is similar to earth pressure wise, an average human being can travel up to 20,000 ft +- 1500 ft without oxygen supplement and the base camp for Mount Everest is only 17,000 ft which is well under that. Even Mount Kilimanjaro's peak is around 19,000 ft. If a character of this race is conditioned through breeding to deal with even higher pressures/ lower oxygen then it should go without saying that not being in those conditions would have drastic effects on their bodies.
A few edits[edit]
So I have increased the times for the Survival Instincts feature to make it more realistic, I've reworded Mountain Born to better fit the HIGH ALTITUDE rules in the DMG and I've moved the note about not being hampered by difficult terrain from speed and put it into a feature. Babosa (talk) 23:11, 23 October 2018 (MDT)
More Edits[edit]
I think the race has two traits specified for one terrain, which is very niche. With these new edits, I think the race is balanced and playable. Thoughts?--Yanied (talk) 13:20, 22 January 2019 (MST)
- It is almost uncomfortably close to the Goliath they are. I'd preferably like a bit more of a distinguishing from them but yes it is playable. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 15:12, 22 January 2019 (MST)
- I think the trait that makes that effect is the altitude one. It was from a previous edit which I think was pretty tame. Other than that, maybe the size can be tweaked. Flavorwise, I guess the self-sufficiency hearkens to the Goliath, but I think the other flavor balances it out a bit. I would personally prefer the traits to be less conditional but it seems to adhere best to the original intent as is.--Yanied (talk) 20:58, 22 January 2019 (MST)