Talk:Chocolich (5e Creature)

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I made these spells kind of specifically for this lich to use, hence there being no pages for them. The names are more or less mostly references to the movies and book...--Yanied (talk) 19:12, 17 June 2024 (MDT)

This seems more morbid than a regular lich, and NOT like it could be a joke!


It's meant to be a morbid take on a mysterious character, but still keeping to his wit and a veneer of candy-making that appeals to children. So like a dark take on Willy Wonka. But I did make him with the intention of a joke boss that isn't really meant to be beat, too.--Yanied (talk) 18:02, 22 June 2024 (MDT)


Please do not delete conversations from the talk pages.--Yanied (talk) 13:29, 12 July 2024 (MDT)

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