Talk:Chillborn (5e Race Variant)

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Humans don't have the subrace trait. Maybe this is meant to be a variant? If so, will any penalties be added to counteract the benefits? It also refers to "until the end of the encounter" and "bloodied" which are 4e terms - is this for 5e or 4e? Marasmusine (talk) 09:08, 13 June 2015 (MDT)

If that's the case then yes, variant will do. I'll think of a penalty in the mean time to balance it out, thank you. Also this is for 5E, I'm sorry. Those are terms that are still dropped in our sessions, I guess it's become second nature haha. Let me fix those as well. FootBurger (talk) 9:23 AM, 13 June 2015 (MDT)