Talk:Cavalier (5e Subclass)
This is a nice klass, not too game-breaking, there are only a few changes I'd make to it. First swap Advanced Charge w/ Mounted Support, you wouldn't be able to use Advanced Charge on a mount w/out Mounted Support being in place already. Sekond, for Advanced Charge, drop the stipulation on must keep sekond roll. The Cavalier already has advantage on that attack and as per the rules in PHB, only one die is rerolled in kases of Adv. they are still allowed to choose between the old adv. die and the rerolled die. Lastly, drop all the lvl requirements down by one except for Charge, simply not tht OP so I'd keep them more or less konkurrent w/ other archetypes .... 6th, 10th, 14th, 17th. Just my input. --Khimaera (talk) 11:55, 17 April 2015 (MDT)
Thanks for the input. I think I'll keep the leveling up the same because it follows the same pattern as a regular fighter archetype. I'll look into the feats for sure, thanks again :)
Np... and I went and checked the fighter's lvls and yeah, ur right about the requirements. --Khimaera (talk) 19:31, 17 April 2015 (MDT)
Also the reroll applies to the damage roll and not the advantage roll. So if you hit a target and roll low damage you can choose to reroll the damage die once.
I feel like we could make this more powerful and still have it balanced. I'm trying to think about a way to give them a version of the Paladin's find steed spell and will get back to you on that. Also, I wrote a tiny little bit of flavor that I might add to later. --OwenLeaf (talk) 13:14, 23 November 2015 (MST)
Okay, someone deleted the flavor entirely. They can fix it themselves then because they clearly don't want my help. --2601:C7:C202:5445:E92C:A830:D9BC:174B 15:45, 23 November 2015 (MST)
I find that the class features don't really support a lance. An in my mind a cavalier needs a lance (which is a 1 handed weapon making Advanced charge and mounted combat useles). Possibly make a special case for lances. I hope you consider. EDIT: it's a knight so JOUSTING! Just incase you didn't understand my point -- 06:01, 20 April 2016 (MDT)
Possible solutions[edit]
Multiple options to allow for a variety of builds. EDIT: An option. The ability to continue riding after charging. I.e. run down opponent and continue riding in the same direction.
Any more? PLease write below.-- 06:07, 20 April 2016 (MDT)