Talk:Banisher (5e Class)

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Being reworked[edit]

Page adopted! Casdiara (talk) 11:20, 8 August 2021 (MDT)

Some Issues I've Found[edit]

What thematic reason would these Banishers have Leatherworking or Smithing tool proficiencies.

I feel as though banishment points should be used. If I miss a spell, or someone succeeds on a save, my slot is still expended. Why are these any different?

Why do Banishers have armor proficiencies and unarmored defense?

Friendly Banishment seems either pointless or very niche. Why would someone want to banish themself for a minute? I can only see someone who's pretty hurt in combat or someone you need to protect for all of combat.

I think reflect banishment ought to have a saving throw for you and the target.

Chain Banishment seems very niche unless all the targets are having a group hug or are all tied together; but if they are tied, they're basically restrained, so it seems redundant.

Banishment Area basically gets free hits for ten rounds on anyone banished. Seems kinda overpowered. A save each turn to resist or even have immunity to effects might help.

Reactive Banishment doesn't specify the trigger for the reaction.

Mass Banishment seems tad over done. Maybe limit the amount of creatures. Assuming you're a medium or smaller creature, that's around 22-ish creatures.

Banishment to Death is just flat broken. You could theoretically kill a dragon, tarrasque, or any other boss-like entity easier than using Power Word Kill because at least PWK has a hit point cap it can affect.

  • Two common saves
  • Mechanical description needs to be improved, in many cases it's just the order in which information is presented. For example, banishment should read "You can use a bonus action to touch a creature and attempt to banish it. This expends (such and such points). The target makes a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is (etc). On a failed save the target (etc)." - as this is the order in which things happen
  • " touch a person, beast, construct or any other target" - if it affects "any other target", why mention the other creature types?
  • There isn't a "combat round" or "non combat minute". There are rounds and minutes. "in combat" and "non combat" is not a distinction.
  • What happens when you try to touch a hostile creature? Is this an unarmed strike?
  • The dispel clause doesn't make sense.
  • What happens if you banish a creature, then move a solid object or another creature into the spot it was located?
  • "make a save DC against their own save DC."
  • "attack of opportunity" -> "opportunity attack".
  • The class is a one-trick pony. Classes should be well rounded with a combination of combat, interaction and exploration features, and have some way to specialise such as subclasses.
  • "per long rest"
  • "banishment to death". You don't get to say what xp you do or don't get, this is entirely up to the DM. Suggest comparing this with power word kill.
  • I guess that's for starters. Marasmusine (talk) 13:47, 18 May 2019 (MDT)

Love the idea, although it seems a little short on content. This is one I might like to rebuild. Arquebus (talk) 20:51, 21 November 2020 (MST)