Talk:AngelBorn (5e Race)

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Off the bat, this race is a bit too cliche of a human-angel trope and very lacking in fluff at that. Like, we have aasimar and half-angels. As for the mechanics:

  • Plus sub ASI is +4 ASI. Not that egregious on its own but sets it off strong
  • Super strong level 1 damage increases by 1d8.
  • Healing per short rest... not bad on its own but we are already loaded in terms of numbers.
  • Flying speed. Very strong as is and even stronger added with everything else.
  • Free holy water production to get lots of money.
  • Immunity to X in exchange for vulnerability to Y is false balance.

Now this base race is already PLENTY strong as is. The subs only make it crazier.

  • High Sub
    • half-orc resilience PLUS better death saves. That cuts your chances of dying immensely.
    • Free +1 AC. Added up thats a lot with everything
    • You don't get resistance to conditions. You either get immune, advantage, or disadvantage. And letting them pick is very good.
    • Have a free cantrip AND more extra damage capabilities out the gate.
  • Blighted
    • Weird DC. DCs are always 8 + ability score mod + prof bonus. This is also a multi-use, which for 1st level is very good and has good range.
    • Extremely good healing. Who needs a cleric?
    • Aaaand additional damage... as if there wasn't more than too much for a 1st level race already.
  • Death
    • The ASI here buffs charisma by 3 which is EXTREMELY good for min-maxing
    • You can damage a creature WITHOUT A SAVE using nega-holy touch. Oh, and heal yourself.
    • Bloodhunt doesn't actually say how you use it. It just seems like an ally uses it. Which is weird.
    • Essentially unarmed strikes that deal 1d8 damage and also heal, thus negating monk's unarmed strikes.

Overall this thing is WAY too strong and imbalanced. It feels like a cramfest of all sorts of traits and so it is too strong to be played compared to first party content. I recommend an immense cull of features. Please look at other content for balance, wording, and flavor examples, like Fallen Angel (5e Race).--Yanied (talk) 19:35, 26 June 2023 (MDT)