Talk:American Football (3.5e Other)/example

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[Note: this is an example of what I'm talking about. You don't have to make it anything like this, but hopefully it will make my point clearer.]


Ever wonder what would happen if football were invented in a fantasy setting? I've wondered as well, and the result I came up with is Protectorate.

History of the Sport[edit]

Many years ago, there was a tribe of monks who prided themselves in their ability to transport valuable items and important people. At the time, the land was very dangerous, and only by traveling with these monks were you guaranteed safe passage. Little is known about the monks, but we do know that their training rituals evolved into what is now known as the game of Protectorate.


The purpose of the game is to transport a uniquely-shaped leather ball (known as "the package") to your safety zone, as your opponent tries to intercept the package and bring it to their safety zone. [And so on]


[Here's where you would include mechanics of how to play the game. The rules you already have in place are fine, though some of the terms might need to be changed.]

Protectorate in Your Campaign[edit]

Protectorate was started by monks and over the years very little magic has crept into the game. For the most part, spellcasters do not play Protectorate, preferring instead to play Elminster's Fire (an analogue of tennis). The Point Man [quarterback] is usually a dexterous character like a rogue or ranger, and his guards [defensive line] are most often monks or barbarians. Clerics are present at every Protectorate event, as the sport often results in injuries.

And so on