Talk:All Brawn No Brain (3.5e Trait)

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This is a bad trait. The benefit way out-weighs the down side. In general a minus to an ability for a plus to an ability is a bad trait, and makes it way too easy of an abuse. -- Name Violation 16:36, 5 November 2009 (MST)

While I was updating the page format, I knocked down the benefit, tweaked the drawback, and tighten the restriction. This version should be a lot more balanced. -- Ikrzfi 2010 April 16 @ 14:10 (EST)
this is a bad oppion. the point for point trade off is as old as the game its self. I see nouthing wrong with the balance of this trate as a whole. as is or before. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 18:18, 29 June 2012‎. Please sign your posts.
The problem is that traits generally aren't balanced unless the drawback is about twice as strong as the benefit. True, some of the Unearthed Arcana traits are one to one. However, the drawbacks for those are things that will screw any character on a regular basis. — saint23thomas – 16:58, 15 July 2012 (MDT)
Traits should not change ability scores. I have fixed it. Marasmusine (talk) 07:17, 10 March 2013 (MDT)
I think some of the extra penalties are still needed here. There may be more Intelligence skills than Strength skills. However, Strength-based checks are more likely to be life-and-death situations. Therefore, penalties to Intelligence-based checks are far easier to work around that Strength based ones. As such, illiteracy should be included as a penalty to force the character into role-playing situations where the player must deal with the downside of the trait. The spell-casting class restriction, if need at all, should only apply to Intelligence-based spell-casting — saint23thomas – 12:28, 17 March 2013 (MDT)