Talk:5e Feat Preload

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Is anyone opposed to a summary line? I ask this to set up another idea. Adding "summary" to the DPL for feats. ~ BigShotFancyMan (talk) 13:25, 19 October 2018 (MDT)

3.5e feats have one, so I agree with this proposal.--GamerAim Chatmod.png (talk) 13:41, 19 October 2018 (MDT)
I'm cool with this as well. —ConcealedLightChatmod.png (talk) 18:21, 19 October 2018 (MDT)
That seems like an excellent idea, I am on board as well.--Blobby383b (talk) 11:45, 20 October 2018 (MDT)
Summaries for feats? What a grand idea! Quincy (talk) 11:51, 20 October 2018 (MDT)
Would they be displayed on the feat page and in dpl lists, like 3.5e, or hidden on the pages? --Green Dragon (talk) 23:19, 24 October 2018 (MDT)
My preference is to hide them on the page. I find it redundant for a summary and description on the page. Not complaining if it shows up like the 3.5e does though. ~ BigShotFancyMan (talk) 08:02, 25 October 2018 (MDT)