Synchronized Hearts (5e Feat)

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Synchronized Hearts (Pets)

Prerequisites: Have at least 1 Pet or Familiar, Animal Handling Proficiency, Wisdom 15
You've synced up so much with your furry companions that they now act as one in battle, granting you these benefits:

-When you hit an attack and one of your pets or familiar is within 5 feet of your target, you can give your attack to it, the creature will do a new attack roll with advantage, on a hit the damage increases by 1d of the number corresponding to the attack. (at 5th level increases another 1d + your animal handling (2d's), at 8th level (3d's), at level 11th the damage again increases and the target of the attack must make a strenght saving trow DC 15 + your pet's strength modifier or fall prone (4d's), at level 16th (5d's).

-Always you are mounted you can use your mount Strength and Dexterity modifier to do ability checks and saving throws.

-You and your "Little" companions learn how to dominate the battlefield by helping each other, as long as you or one of your pets are at least 15 feet away, you will gain the following effects:

 *They get +1 to attack rolls and damage for each friendly pet, summon or familiar (the one with this feat also counts), increases for each creature above 2 who aren't unconscious.
  (Bonus increases by another +1 at 5th level, 8th level, 11th level)
 *if an enemy attack another pet, familiar ally or the owner of this feat, the rest can use their reaction to do an opportunity attack only if the 
  enemy are in the attack range.

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