Stoneheart (5e Disease)

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Where Is It Found?[edit]
  • Stoneheart is found in many unexplored regions of the Underdark. It is usually found in areas with above average moisture.
Contracting Stoneheart[edit]
  • Stoneheart is an circulatory disease, and variant one of the disease is often contracted through a form of crystalline fungus that grows in the Underdark. Variant two, on the other hand, is much more varied in its contraction methods. The most common form of contraction is via a divine curse.


Variant One[edit]

Stage 1[edit]
  • The initial effects of Stoneheart are very subtle and hard to pinpoint.
  • Some effects of this stage include: slight itch in the throat, uncomfortable breathing, light coughing, etc.
  • After the course of d6 days, Stoneheart begins to infiltrate the bloodstream of the affected creature (See Stage 2).
Stage 2[edit]
  • Once Stoneheart infiltrates the bloodstream, the affected creature may find difficulty in moving their muscles. (The affected creature has disadvantage on all strength and dexterity checks and saving throws.)
  • The affected creature may also find that their skin has began to turn into stone. (The affected creature receives a + 5 to their AC).
  • The affected creature may also figure out that their eyesight in dark places has began to grow better. (The affected creature gains darkvision at 60ft. If they already have darkvision, they gain 60 more feet of darkvision.)
Stage 3[edit]
  • Once Stoneheart hits the heart of the affected creature, usually taking between d3 months from the initial interaction with Stoneheart, the creature's heart stops. (The affected is immune to all other diseases and no longer needs to sleep, eat, or drink.)
Stage 4[edit]
  • Approximately 1d4 week after Stoneheart hits the affected creature's heart, the affected creature turns into a stone statue and cannot move whatsoever.

Variant Two[edit]

Stage 1[edit]
  • The initial effects of Stoneheart are very subtle and hard to pinpoint.
  • Some minor effects of this stage include: light headache, tingling sensation in limbs, ect.
  • The affected creature's Charisma score becomes 13, if it was not already 13 or higher.
Stage 2[edit]
  • The affected creature's Charisma score becomes 15, if it was not already 15 or higher.
  • The affected creature may also find that their skin has began to turn into a stone-like substance, giving that creature a natural AC of 15.
  • The affected creature may also figure out that their eyesight in dark places has began to grow better. The affected creature gains darkvision at 60ft. If they already have darkvision, they gain 60 more feet of darkvision.
Stage 3[edit]
  • Any creature that can see the affected creature becomes charmed by the affected creature, as if under the affects of a charm person spell.
  • The affected creature's hair becomes long and scaly, almost serpentine in nature.
Stage 4[edit]
  • The affected creature takes on the statistics of a medusa.


Stage 1 Treatment[edit]
  • Stoneheart can be cured with lesser restoration, or a greater healing spell, if Stoneheart is in Stage 1.
Stage 2 Treatment[edit]
  • Stoneheart can be cured with greater restoration, or a greater healing spell, if Stoneheart is in Stage 2.
Stage 3 Treatment[edit]
  • Stoneheart can be cured with heal, or a greater healing spell, if Stoneheart is in Stage 3.
Stage 4 Treatment[edit]
  • Stoneheart can only be cured by wish, a blessing from a god, or some other all powerful being.
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