Static Saving Throw DCs (5e Variant Rule)

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Static Saving Throw DCs[edit]

Under this rule, dynamic saving throw DCs are instead replaced by a static DC that decreases with character level/creature hit dice, as per Table: Static Save Progression. Modifiers and (dis)advantage on rolls still work normally, and proficiency bonuses are only added to proficient saves as normal. The table applies to all saving throws and all character classes and creatures.

Optional: Apply a -1 penalty to saving throws against spells for every two levels the caster is above the target.

Table: Static Save Progression
Level DC
1-2 16
3-4 15
5-6 14
7-8 13
9-10 12
11-12 11
13-14 10
15-16 9
17-18 8
19-20 7

Optional: Use Table: Static Save Progression (Optional) for class-dependent static saving throw progression. Monsters should use the Barbarian/Fighter/Paladin/Ranger column, unless the monster possesses abilities close to another class.

Table: Static Save Progression (Optional)
Level DC (Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger) DC (Cleric, Druid, Monk) DC (Bard, Rogue) DC (Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock)
1-2 16 16 17 18
3-4 15 16 16 17
5-6 14 14 15 16
7-8 13 14 14 15
9-10 12 12 13 14
11-12 11 12 12 13
13-14 10 10 11 12
15-16 9 10 10 11
17-18 8 8 9 10
19-20 7 8 8 9
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