Stand User (5e Class)
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Stand User (reworked)[edit]
Stand users, in their basic form, are the users of spiritual manifestation of one's own soul and strength. These Stands come in many shapes and sizes, from the fast and mobile and the silent and deadly to the slow but destructive. Some Stands are stronger than others, and some Stands have different evolutions such as Requiem or OverHeaven. Stands are only visible by those who have Stands or to those who have the latent ability, magic, and the likes.
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Types of Stands, like Star Platinum, have incredible strength and dexterity |
Creating a Stand User[edit]
What compels your Stand User? Are they a con man? Are they a hero who uses their Stand for good or are they a villain who plots for world domination thanks to their powerful Stand? Is your User only seeking for a peaceful life and only uses their stand to fulfill their more sinister acts? Perhaps your Stand is simply used to entertain and satisfy the needs of others? Were you hit by the Arrow to get your stand or are you part of the Joestar bloodline, destined to become a hero?
- Quick Build
You can make a Stand User quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Charisma, followed by Strength. Second, choose a Background
Class Features
As a Stand User you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Stand User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Stand User level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Melee and ranged Weapons
Tools: one of your choice
Saving Throws: Strength, Charisma
Skills: Choose 3
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) A pair of Gauntlets or (b) One simple or martial melee weapon of your choice
- (a) Extravagant Clothes or (b) Plain Clothes
- (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack
- (a) A Tarot card to name your Stand off of or a piece of music. or (b) A Piece of the Arrow (DM determined)
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Spirit points |
1st | +2 | Manifestation of Will, Invisible Force, Stand User Path | 0 |
2nd | +2 | Stand Proud Focus | 0 |
3rd | +2 | Denting blows | 7 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Stand User Path Feature | 7 |
5th | +3 | Stand User path feature, Exchange Blows | 8 |
6th | +3 | Stand User's Endurance | 8 |
7th | +3 | — | 9 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 9 |
9th | +4 | Stand User's path feature | 10 |
10th | +4 | Ari Ari Ari Arrivederci! | 10 |
11th | +4 | Stand User's path feature | 11 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 11 |
13th | +5 | Long Travels | 12 |
14th | +5 | Stand User's path feature | 14 |
15th | +5 | Stando Powa! | 16 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 18 |
17th | +6 | Unbreakable Will | 20 |
18th | +6 | Seasoned Stand | 22 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 24 |
20th | +6 | Requiem | 25 |
Stand User's Features and Abilities[edit]
Manifestation of Will[edit]
You have a “Stand”, on a separate character sheet write down the stats for your stand. The stats will vary based on which alignment you will follow at 3rd level. You can call out your Stand as a bonus action at the start of your turn, or recall your Stand as a bonus action at the end of your turn. When you call out your Stand, it occupies the same space as your character and will follow you of its own accord within 5 feet unless you tell it otherwise. You can telepathically order your Stand to move, but ordering your Stand to interact with its surroundings (attack, lift something, etc.) you use up your action for that turn. Spells that target your stand affect you, spells that affect you affect your stand through you (example: Bane, when cast on your stand the user must make the saving throw. on a fail both you and the stand are affected.) Your stand can phase through creatures/objects and everything seen by your stand is also seen by you, during this time your are blind and deaf. But you can still see so you have all the proof you need. Your stand also has the same proficiency bonus as you.(also stands can attack with your attack action.)
Invisible Force[edit]
Your Stand is only visible to other Stand Users.
Stand User's Path[edit]
Your stand is unique to others. Choose whether your stand will become a damage-dealing barrager with the Star Alignment, become a time manipulating superhuman by following the World Alignment, Manipulate the battlefield with traps and ranged attacks with the Hierophant Alignment, create an invincible prison with the Tower Alignment, become an agile, weapon-wielding knight by following the Chariot Alignment, become a marksman with infinite power choosing the Tusk Alignment , become the ultimate healer and regenerator by following the Diamond Alignment, become the king of explosions with the Queen Alignment, control forces of life with the Experience Alignment, or rewrite reality itself with the King Alignment.
Stand Proud Focus[edit]
Stand Users live for combat in all forms. They have trained their minds as well as bodies to focus in the heat of battle. At 2nd level, while a user is not wearing heavy armor they take half less damage from piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. They also gain advantage against Charm, Frighten, and Paralysis saving throws.
Spirit Points[edit]
Many Stand abilities require expending Spirit Points to activate. Starting at 3rd level, The number of spirit points you have is shown in the Stand User table. You regain all expended Spirit Points after completing a long rest.
Denting Blows[edit]
At 3rd level, if you are grappling a creature yourself or being grappled, your stands attacks against the creature guaranteed hit. Furthermore, unarmed strikes now have the Light and Finesse properties when used by you or your stand. If you are being grappled you can still attack with your stand.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Exchange Blows[edit]
At 5th level, you can attack twice whenever you take the attack action. In addition, when a Stand User is damaged or damage a hostile creature, you make a DC 10 constitution check to see if you can gain 1 stack of Exchange Blows. On a success, you gain 1 stack of exchange blows. For every stack of exchange blows you have, your stand gains an extra attack. You can only have up to your proficiency bonus amount of stacks. These extra attacks are shared only by your stand. You can also use your reaction to attack a number of times equal to the number of stacks you have. All stacks are removed once you can no longer fight any hostile creatures.
Stand User's Endurance[edit]
Starting at 6th level, your stand's AC gets a +4 and your ac becomes your stand's ac.If you are restrained, you may expend 1 spirit point immediately break free of it; you can then use your bonus action to break out of any further restraints put on you by the same creature without spending any spirit points.
Ari Ari Ari Arrivederci![edit]
Starting at 10th level, you live for and thrive in combat; starting at level 10, you can add your strength or charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. You also have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened and get a bonus +3.
Long Travels[edit]
Starting at 13th level, your travels have caused you to adapt to the rough obstacles you face. You cannot become exhausted from using dash and have advantage on environmental hazards. When you complete a short rest, the minimum you can roll on each dice for recovering hitpoints from hit die is a 5.
At 14th level, your strength and constitution scores can not be reduced, and your hit point maximum can not be reduced. Once per turn, you can gain advantage on one attack. Your critical hits for your stand's attack rolls are now 19-20.
Stando Powa![edit]
At 15th level, you can now use your stand to avoid damage. Once per turn when you or your stand fail an attack roll against a creature, roll a D20. On a 10 or higher, you gain 1 stack of Stando Powa!. When a creature makes an attack against you, you can use 1 stack of Stando Powa! to completely negate the damage/effect; this does not consume a reaction. Projectiles are deflected and attacks are countered by you or your stand's weapons. You can only have 1 stack of Stando Powa! at a time. You do not gain stacks from a successful hit caused by expending a stack. Stando Powa! stacks stay with you for 10 minutes.
Unbreakable Will[edit]
Beginning at level 17, your years of battle have given you the ability to ignore some of the most detrimental conditions of battle. You have advantage on saving throws against being stunned or poisoned. You take a reduced 12 damage from attacks and hostile creatures cannot gain advantage on you if you are restrained.
Seasoned Stand[edit]
At 18th level, when your stand makes an attack with a weapon that you are proficient in, your stand gains an additional +5 to their attack roll.
Ascended Stand[edit]
Beginning at level 20, your stand finally unlocks its inner potential. Some stands gain an ultimate ability that can be used to achieve one's wishes, others gain a form called requiem which grants them unparalleled power, and some stands achieve a power even greater than both of those combined, as they ascend to heaven. You stand will now always remain invisible to all non-stand users.
Stand User Alignment: The Star[edit]
Stand of Strength[edit]
The Star Alignment Stand has balanced strength and dexterity. Your Stand's strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5ft away from your character's position. In addition, your stand is proficient in unarmed strikes. Your stand uses its strength stat to hit and deals a 1d8 + its strength modifier for hits.
Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Stand’s Strength modifier.
Fury Of Fists[edit]
At 3rd level, you gain the following ability: A Stand User may spend 1 spirit point to gain the ability to go into Fury of Fists as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over.
While in Fury of Fists mode, you gain the following benefits: your movement speed increases by 10 if you are moving toward an opponent, your stand can make 2 additional unarmed strikes with your bonus action, and you may use one of your attacks to attempt to knock the opponent prone. opponent must make an Athletics check (DC = 10 + your stand's strength modifier). Upon failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 6th level, while you are in Fury of Fists, you are unable to become unconscious, however you still make death saving throws if your hitpoints reach 0.
While in a Fury of Fists, you can use your reaction if you are targeted by an attack to make an attack against any creature in range. You can also use any extra attacks you have after making an attack, but they can only be used on the creature that attacked you. You can only use this feature if they are within 10 ft of you. If your stand is not near them, your stand will teleport to the nearest location possible. The creature you use this feature on can use its action to half the damage it takes from this when you use your reaction, but doing so will cause all of your attacks to always hit until the start of your next turn.
Star Finger[edit]
Starting at level 5, you may make a ranged attack by extending your Stand's fingers that deals 1d4 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage at a range of 10 ft using your action. Damage increases to 2d4 at level 10, 3d4 at level 15, and 4d4 at level 18 (You can only make this attack once per turn). You may spend 1 spirit point when you use Star Finger to have your attack stun the creature until the start of your next turn.
Precise Movements[edit]
Starting from level 7, you gain an advantage and are proficient in perception checks and cannot be taken by surprise. In addition, difficult terrain does not negatively affect your movements.
Because You Pissed Me Off[edit]
Starting at 9th level, when attacking a prone creature while in Fury of Fists, a creature who has landed a hit on you gains 1 stack of good grief. When you make a successful attack on them, you remove all good grief stacks off that creature, dealing additional 1d4 damage die for every stack they possess. These stacks will be removed after 24 hrs, with each new stack they receive refreshing the duration.
Yare Yare Daze[edit]
Starting from level 11, while in Fury of Fists, when using an extra attack granted by Exchange Blows, you may expend that stack when you land a hit, causing it to deal critical damage. Furthermore, critical hits against a creature with less than 10% of their maximum hit points incapacitates them and until the end of their next turn.
Star Platinum: Za Warudo[edit]
Starting at level 14, you may activate "Time Stop", and it lasts for 1 round and it requires your action to activate. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of the dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. You gain a +3 to all melee attacks during this time. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a Dex saving throw of 10 + your STR modifier + your proficiency bonus with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success. For every 2 successful melee attacks you make during ZA WARUDO, your opponent gets knocked 5 feet backwards once time resumes. You can use this once every 3 rounds (not counting rounds time is stopped). If you attempt to use it before the cooldown is over, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused others, such as the spell Time Stop or ZA WARUDO (with Muda and It Was Me being the only exceptions), you may use your reaction to cast Star Platinum: Za Warudo and take your turns with them. The rules of Star Platinum: Za Warudo still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.
The Stars Over Heaven[edit]
Starting at level 20, you gain "The Stars Over Heaven" as a bonus action with a duration of 1 minute, and you can only activate it once per day. Activating it allows you to recreate anything, but it must have existed at one point. You can use your action to create one thing in this manner within 60 feet of you, but they will disappear 1 minute after it has been created. There is no limit to how many things you can create. The duplicates will be completely identical to the original in everything, except they are fully healed/revived or repaired if the original was hurt/dead or broken respectively. Duplicates of creatures are placed directly under your control and have their turns after yours in the order they were created. You are always aware of the locations of the duplicates. All duplicated creatures and objects will vanish 1 minute after creation.
Stand User Alignment: The Chariot[edit]
Stand of Speed[edit]
The Chariot Alignment Stand has very high dexterity. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's strength, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15ft away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 12 + your Stand's dexterity modifier.
Stand of a Warrior[edit]
At 1st level, you may pick one finesse type, nonmagical weapon; when you summon your Stand, it now appears wielding that weapon, and any attacks it makes are now done using that weapon's damage, unaffected by resistances. The weapon is a part of your stand, so those who cannot see stands also cannot see this weapon. Your stand can never be disarmed of that weapon. You may use your short rest to change the weapon it uses.
Melee Prowess[edit]
At 3rd level, your stand develops its Martial Prowess. Your stand's weapon attacks count as a +2 weapon and you can make an additional attack using bonus action.
Superior Speed[edit]
At 5th level, you can spend one of your attacks to call your stand to you and have it move it at extremely fast speeds, creating several afterimage copies. Until the start of your next turn, your stand and its copies will automatically destroy any nonmagical projectiles fired at you. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus which recharges on a long rest.
In addition, you may use your reaction to select one projectile within 15 ft radius of you and have your stand destroy it. At 9th level, you can use this ability to cause a nonmagical projectile to reflect back to the attacker as if they were attacking themselves. You may spend 1 spirit point to change its course to another target.
Armored Chariot[edit]
At 7th level, the AC of your Stand increases by 2 and your AC increases by 1, and you now take half damage from your stand if your stand suffers any damage. You can remove your stand's armor as a bonus action. While your stand is out of its armor, it can make 2 additional extra attacks but loses the bonus AC. Your stand can move around you as a free action due to its immense increase in speed.
At the 9th level, when Superior Speed has deflected a projectile with a damage type that is not bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, then you can have your stand gain an additional hit die of that type added on to its weapon(s). You lose this feature at the end of your next turn if you successfully landed a hit on a creature. This feature does not stack by itself, but you can spend 1 spirit point to allow it to stack. When your stand is out of its armor and forced to make DEX saving throws where it takes half damage on a success, it instead takes no damage on a success and half damage on a failure. You may have your stand became armored again using your bonus action.
Shooting the Sword[edit]
At 11th level, your stand gains the ability to fire off a large part of its weapon (i.e. the blade of a sword). You can use this at a creature within 60 ft as an action. This attack uses the same damage roll as your stand's weapon with 1 additional damage die. You attack with this attack with advantage. After you use this feature, you must either retrieve the part, using a free item interaction if it's within reach or use a bonus action to manually recall the weapon part. Weapons that are missing a part will be treated as an improvised weapon. If a creature is hidden from view, but you are aware of their presence and approximate location, you can spend 1 spirit point when you use this to hit the creature if there is a clear path to it.
Dual Wielding[edit]
At the 14th level, whenever you call forth your Stand, you may choose to have it dual-wielding a second weapon, which must be identical to your first weapon. These 2 weapons will always be considered light weapons when used by your stand. When your stand attacks, it attacks with both weapons (you only add the damage die of the second attack). You may spend 1 spirit point to have these weapons deal magical damage for 1 minute.
Chariot Requiem[edit]
You stab your stand with the arrow and it evolves to its final form. At Level 20, your stand now has unlimited range and has the same movement speed as you. You can recall your stand at any time and it will reach you within one turn no matter the distance. You can also send your stand to once place or to one person you are familiar with, and it will reach that location within one turn. In addition, using your action, you can swap bodies with another person or you can have 2 people swap bodies. Everybody keeps their class, but their physical features, strength, dexterity, constitution, movement speeds, hit points, and racial features get swapped.
Stand User Alignment: The World[edit]
Stand of Durability[edit]
The World Alignment Stand has high strength and high constitution. Your Stand's strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier and your Constitution can go up to 24. The rest of your Stand's dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10ft away from your character's position. In addition, your stand is proficient in unarmed strikes. It uses its strength modifier to hit and deals a 1d8 + your strength modifier for damage rolls.
Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's strength modifier + your constitution modifier.
At 3rd level, you can enter Bloodlust by spending 1 spirit point as your bonus action (a bonus action does not need to be used if you are outside of a battle or if used right before one). This effect persists for the duration of the battle and 1 hr after it, refreshing itself upon rolling for initiative again or when you detect a new hostile creature. While in Bloodlust, you ignore any mental effects that prevent you from attacking creatures that are hostile to you or your allies. In Bloodlust, you can make 2 extra attacks on your bonus action. Bloodlust ends early if you are knocked unconscious. Furthermore, your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means unless you are restrained or unconscious, and you are unaffected by difficult terrain. In addition, if you are moving toward an opponent, your movement speed increases by 10. At level 5 BloodLust no longer requires you to spend a bonus action to use, just one spirit point. Level 5 Bloodlust also gives you a bonus attack to use on bloodlust abilities, if you use this bonus attack you can attack a total of 4 times for the cost of one spirit point. On top of that Bloodlust level 5 cancels any effects such as blindness, loud sounds or things that put will you to sleep that target you or your stand.
While in Bloodlust, when you or an ally 5 feet next to you is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to stop time and evade the attack / cancel the attack on the ally. You may interact with the projectile, such as taking it while time is stopped and throwing it back at them, (Use the rules for throwing in stopped time from Za Warudo), or moving at double your movement speed towards the attacker and cancel there attack with your stands punch. This does not provoke opportunity attacks. You may spend 1 spirit point to prolong the effects of time stop and move behind the creature that targeted you, provided that there is a clear path to them. If the area behind them cannot be accessed, then select an area around them. If that is also not possible, then you cannot spend the spirit point. If you move behind the creature, you have advantage on your attacks against that creature during your next turn they fail a DC 15 investigation check. At level 5 attacks with huge radius's can be evaded, such as a fireball or flames things, and at level 6 they can no longer detect your stand with an investigation check when it goes behind them. Also at level 6 Your muda ability can now block more attacks. At the end of each of your turns you can roll a 1d5 and spend a spirit point. If you choose to roll the dice you gain additional reactions equal to the amount shown, however these reactions can only be used with the muda ability.
IT WAS ME[edit]
Starting at level 5, you become a master of disguise. You gain both proficiency and expertise in the disguise kit and if you chose to reveal your true identity while disguised, you gain a surprise round against your opponents by yelling, "KONO DIO DA", aside from this you now choose to get a natural 20 for up to 6 attacks, these attacks are refreshed daily at dawn. If the attacks are not used by the end of the fight they are immediately expended and wasted. Additionally at level 5 you also get a bonus 3 to your strength modifier.
Starting at level 6, while in Bloodlust, you and your stand gain an AC bonus equal to the amount of Exchange Blows stacks you have times 3 and creatures who make attack rolls made against you cannot be made with an advantage if you are aware of their presence, you now also gain the ability to shoot lasers out of your eye with damage being 2d6+strength mod you can only do this three times per long rest, however this action consumes a spirit point. At 11th level, successful attacks against a creature with less than 40% of its maximum hit points remaining causes them to be incapacitated until the end of their next turn. You also gain a +3 strength modifier.
Starting at level 9, you have begun to completely embrace your inhuman power. You will now heal 1d12 plus your constitution modifier at the start of each of your turns if you have at least 1 hitpoint; In addition, your AC equals your stand's AC even when your stand is not out. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to quickly regenerate and be brought back up to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier hit points, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated for 1 turn. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it. At 11th level, you may have your grapples (not your stand's) freeze creatures to their very core, making them suffer the paralyzed condition; you can release your grapple and they would still be frozen, causing them to fall over and become prone. The frozen condition on them will last until they succeed a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier, but they will break out if they been hit by a damaging attack/spell. If they had less than 30% of their health remaining when they took damage while being frozen, they will be instantly shattered and killed and their body will be destroyed. At 13th your stand can now sense surprise attacks that are attempted against you and they rule normally without advantage and a normal battle should start.
Blood Drain[edit]
Beginning at 11th Level, while in Bloodlust, as a bonus action you can cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies. When you do so, you gain the Blood Drain effect, causing you and your stand's melee attacks to heal you a number of hit points equal to one-fourth of the damage dealt. This effect lasts for as long as Bloodlust remains active. In addition, if you knock a creature unconscious, you can drain their blood with an action. This will allow you to regain spirit points equal to your stand user level rounded down. This will also heal you 1/2th of your max hit points rounded down (you cannot gain bonus hit points this way). This will also cure all poisons and diseases currently affecting your character, or curses or spells.
Starting at level 15, you may activate "Time Stop", it lasts for 2 rounds and it requires the full turn to activate. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 15 + your CHA modifier + your proficiency bonus, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; The enemy also has a disadvantage on the saving throw. You and your stand's attacks are considered critical hits on any attack that hits a creatures not in a time stop. At level 17 your time stop lasts for 3 rounds, and it lasts 4 rounds at level 20. You can use this feature without gaining a stack of exhaustion a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest. Attempting to use ZA WARUDO with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in 1 stack of exhaustion at the end of your turn.
If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others you gain a special reaction. This reaction can be used at any time during another time stop. With this reaction you can use ZA WARUDO and have your turns with the other time stopper/s. When your or another's time stop ends, they suddenly stop moving (they are no longer in a time stop), and all affects that target a creature not in a time stop can target them.
The World Over Heaven[edit]
Starting at level 20, you have ascended and gained the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. You may now use The World Over Heaven twice a day. You can activate it with your bonus action. For 1 minute, The World Over Heaven allows you to change reality itself into anything you want by touching it with either your or your stand's fists. Once per turn during this time, you can alter reality as if by the wish spell. You cannot be prevented from using it by anything. The voice component is not required to cast this. You must make physical contact with whatever you wish to affect, but you do not suffer any penalties of using Wish (Talk to DM about the result you wish for). When you make physical contact with it, the change you want to happen will happen instantaneously, taking place even if it's not your turn. During The World Over Heaven, you may activate ZA WARUDO as a free action and ZA WARUDO will not end its duration until after The World Over Heaven ends or if you choose to end it as a free action. As a result of attaining this level of power, you also become immune to the effects of Wish from anyone other than your own usage of this feature.
Stand User Alignment: Diamond[edit]
Stand of Repair[edit]
The Diamond Alignment Stand has high strength and high dexterity. Your Stand's strength is equal to your strength + your charisma modifier, and your Stand's dexterity is equal to your dexterity + your charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5ft away from your character's position. In addition, your stand is proficient in unarmed strikes. Your stand uses its strength modifier to hit and deals 1d6 plus your strength modifier for damage rolls. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Stand’s Strength modifier.
I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass[edit]
At the 3rd level, you can heal your allies as a bonus action, you or your stand must make physical contact with whoever you are choosing to heal. Your Fix heals for 2d6 + your Stand’s Strength or Dexterity modifier + stand user level, you cannot heal yourself and you can fix broken or missing limbs with this as long as the limb is still in this plane of existence and not completely decomposed. The healing increases to 3d6 at the 5th level, 4d6 at 12th, and 5d6 at 18th. You can use this an equal number of times to your proficiency bonus, which are then completely restored upon completing a long rest or by spending 1 spirit point to regain half. Healing someone with 0 hit points remaining causes them to become stable with the current hit points recovered by the amount healed.
There is No Reason He Needs to Die[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can use "I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass" as a reaction to revive an ally who has died this turn using 2 spirit points; they revive with one-quarter of their maximum hit points recovered, rounded down. The ally must be within 5 ft of your stand to use this ability.
Starting at the 5th level you can repair broken objects (if a magic object breaks and you fix it does not retain its magical effect(s)). When you fix an object you can choose what it fixes into and how it is fixed (at DM's discretion) but you cannot add or lose mass, so no matter how you fix a 10 pound rock it will always be 10 pounds, you have to have physical contact and this takes your bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point during Fix to restore any magical properties to it, if any. When fixing objects with missing pieces, you may choose whether to have the pieces fly to the object you possess or to have it fix itself to the others, causing the object to fly away to repair itself with its origin. You can also choose to fix an object with an unconscious creature, causing them to become fused with it.
At the 7th level, your Stand User gains the ability DORA as a bonus action; this costs 1 spirit point. While using DORA, you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (you can attempt to knock a large or smaller creature prone) using one of your attacks. You may make an additional melee attack per turn. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage from your stands fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 9, 2d10 at level 12 and 4d6 at level 16). DORA lasts for the entirety of the battle. While using DORA, you must spend 1 spirit point in order to use I went ahead and healed your sorry ass; the amount of hit points recovered in this manner is doubled.
At the 9th level, if you have the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks, you may choose to fall into a blind rage and cause all your successful attacks on a single creature for that turn to deal critical damage, all failed attacks to still hit and deal regular damage, and all critical attack rolls to deal 2 critical hits. Using this feature causes you to become immune to effects that require you to use any of your 5 senses to activate, such as Horrifying Visage. This feature expends all of your Exchange Blows stacks at once and you can not gain any more stacks for the next 2 rounds.
I'm Gonna Fix That Spaghetti![edit]
Starting at the 11th Level, when you use "I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass" if the creature being healed is affected by a status effect, they are cured of it (this includes negative and positive effects). Using it on a creature with exhaustion stacks removes their current amount by 1. You can also use it on objects to separate any poison, disease, or magical curse from it without expending a spirit point. If you have a container, you may put separated contaminants in it.
Life is not that easy[edit]
At the 14th level, when you use "I Went Ahead and Healed Your Sorry Ass" you may choose to bring them up to full HP, but doing so will use up your whole turn. You may also use it to revive creatures that have died in the last hour by spending 4 spirit points; this also uses up your whole turn and they are fully healed upon reviving. This feature will still work on them if their entire body was destroyed as long as you have some piece of their body left and it has not been more than an hour after they have died. This move will regenerate them completely
Diamond Requiem[edit]
You stab your stand with the arrow and you unlock its full potential. At the 20th level you get the requiem version of your stand it gains the ability to take apart and put together the world around you when you activate this ability you shatter reality within 200ft around you; this lasts for 1 minute and, while in this area, you can use your bonus action to alter this reality by taking and destroying things such as through the effects of the disintegration spell, creating things such as by the effects of the wish spell. This can only be used once a day.
Stand User Alignment: Killer Queen[edit]
Stand of Destruction[edit]
The Queen Alignment Stand has high strength. Your Stand's strength is equal to your strength + your charisma modifier. The rest of your Stand's dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15ft away from your character's position. In addition, your stand is proficient in unarmed strikes. Your stand uses strength to hit and deals a 1d4 plus your strength modifier for damage per hit. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's strength modifier.
Primary Bomb: Bomb Transmutation[edit]
At the 3rd level, you gain the ability to change anything you or your stand touches into an explosive bomb. Using your action, you can try to turn a target within 5 feet of your stand(such as a creature or an object) into a bomb. The target must make a dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your stand's strength + your proficiency bonus. If it fails, it has been turned into an invisible, undetectable bomb. You can detonate this bomb using your bonus action or your reaction. When the bomb explodes, you can modify how it explodes:
1. You can make it explode in a ten foot radius damaging everyone in the area and leaving it as difficult terrain. 2. You can make it explode, damaging and effecting only the target. 3. You can make it explode in a ten foot radius, but not damage the target at all.
Any creatures effected by the bomb's blast radius must make a dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your stand's strength + your proficiency bonus or take 1d10 + strength modifier force damage, taking half damage on a success. The target the bomb is attached to takes maximum damage, no save allowed. Any creatures unaware of the bomb also take max damage. The damage die increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th.
At the 5th level, you gain advantage in deception and persuasion checks. You will always know if you are being watched by someone. If you are being watched, you will immediately know the exact direction of where they are watching from unless they are using magical means to watch you, such as Scrying.
Killer Impulse[edit]
Starting at 7th level, if creature's hit points are reduced to 0 due to your bombs, they immediately die and turn to ash. Any items they were holding drop to the ground, unharmed; you can instead choose to completely destroy everything about them, leaving behind no physical evidence or items they were carrying. You regain 1 spirit point for every creature you turn to ash with your explosions. You also gain the ability to expend extra Spirit Points when detonating your Bomb stacks to add an extra 1d10 to your current damage roll for every point expended.
Fate is on my side[edit]
At the 9th level, if you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1 hit point. This will always take 1 spirit point and you cannot use this feature if you are at 1 hit point already. Furthermore, when you make a roll with a disadvantage, you can spend 1 spirit point to eliminate the disadvantage. You may also expend 1 spirit point to change a roll that you are proficient in that you must make that has a disadvantage into a roll that has an advantage.
Secondary Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack[edit]
At the 11th level, your stand gains a new ability, "Sheer Heart Attack". As an action, you can spend 1 spirit point to detach the left hand of your Stand, and it becomes an independent Sub-Stand with the Invisible Force feature. As a sub-stand, it is an invulnerable object and has an unlimited range in being away from you. It has strength, constitution, intelligence, and wisdom of 6, a dexterity of 18 and charisma equal to your Stand's. Its size is tiny and has a walking speed of 45 ft. It will search out the highest temperature in a 30ft radius of it other than you (DM will decide how to judge who has the highest temp; generally it will be the one with the most adrenaline or body temperature) and when it makes contact with the object, it explodes, acting like a Primary Bomb. You suffer the damage and buffs/debuffs that Sheer Heart Attack takes. You always know the location of Sheer Heart Attack. If you want to call it back early, you must be in contact with it and use a free item interaction to pick it up, re-attaching it back to your stand; if it is not within range, you may use either your bonus action or reaction to order it to return to you, it will use its turn to double its movement speed and move towards you. Sheer Heart Attack shares your initiative and can only move on its turn. You may expend 1 spirit point to telepathically order it to guard an area.
Air Bomb Transmutation[edit]
At the 14th level, your stand gains the power to create air bubbles infused with a bomb using your action. The bubble moves by itself on your turns, flying in any direction you telepathically order it to, as a free action, up to 20 ft each turn. The bubbles are considered an object with 1 hit point with its size being tiny, with 6-inch radius. If something touches it, the bubble breaks and explodes as if you used Primary Bomb on the object or creature that hit it. You can only use this feature to charge a bubble if you do not have anything else charged with a bomb. As a bonus action, you may expend 1 spirit point to double the bubble's movement.
Tertiary Bomb: Killer Queen Bite Za Dusto[edit]
At the 20th level, you can spend 1 spirit point to shrink your stand down to tiny and place it within a creature within 30 ft of your stand as your bonus action. You can only do this if you do not have a bomb charged. Your stand cannot be targeted by any attacks while inside a creature. While Bites the Dust is active, your stand will protect the creature it is inside of, granting them +3 bonus AC and anyone who attacks that creature will be attacked with 10d10 damage, with a CON saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a success, they take half damage while on a fail they take full damage. You can also put a trigger on Bites the Dust (e.g. if this person is questioned about your true identity, then "Bites The Dust" will activate; all triggers has a max range of 200 ft and cannot be activated beyond that) and they will have to make a CON save equal to 6 + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, they die and explode with the same effects as being killed with Primary Bomb. If they succeed, they take 10d10 + your stand's strength modifier force damage. If more than 1 creature activates the trigger on a single turn, they must all make the roll on that turn. Creatures who are not in combat or unaware of the creature with your stand, but activated the trigger anyway, take a critical hit instead of rolling. Immediately after any of the explosions and any reactions that it caused, time rewinds to a point you choose, up to 1 hr ago (if the creature with the bomb is still alive), and only you and the creature affected by "Bites The Dust" remember what happened. The creatures who have been hit with bomb damage from activating Bites the Dust will then suffer either the damage or death, depending on their roll, regardless of anything else after the appropriate amount of time has passed in the new timeline. Every other effect does not carry over. Your levels carry over but not any new items you may have acquired in the previous timeline. If you rewind back to a time when you had not yet activated Bites the Dust, your stand will still be inside them in this new timeline. If you do not know what is happening to the creature with your stand (i.e. you are unaware of their location or unconscious) then time will rewind back the full 1 hr. Your stand cannot be detected by others in any way while inside another creature, but it will momentarily appear when planting a bomb. While your Stand is inside someone you cannot use your Stand. You can undo Bites the Dust on your turn using your bonus action, returning your stand back to your space. While your stand is in another creature, it is separated from you and is able to go anywhere the creature its inhabiting goes. If that creature dies, your stand will automatically rewind time back 1 hr, preventing that creature from dying. That creature is also immune to all nonmagical attacks that are self-inflicted, as your stand will intercept their attempts. You cannot use Bites the Dust on yourself and it will immediately deactivate if you die.
Stand User Alignment: Golden Experience[edit]
Stand of Life[edit]
The Experience Alignment Stand has high constitution and dexterity. Your Stand's constitution is equal to your constitution + your charisma modifier. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your dexterity + your charisma modifier. Your Stand's strength, intelligence, wisdom and charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's constitution modifier + your Stand's dexterity modifier. Your Stand can move up to 5 feet away from you. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.
Life Shot[edit]
Starting at level 3, when your Stand makes a successful attack against a creature, you can use 1 spirit point to use Life Shot and make that creature make a Constitution saving throw with a DC save equal to 8 + your Stands Constitution modifier + your Proficiency bonus If they fail, their consciousness is "sped up" and unable to properly coordinate their bodies. When that creature makes an attack roll, they have a disadvantage and -3 on whatever roll they make. A target can have a maximum of -(proficiency bonus(minimum of 3)) on their attack roles In addition, whenever you make an unarmed strike against a target with the Life Shot effect, you can make an additional 2 unarmed strikes on your bonus action.
Life Giver[edit]
Starting at level 5, your Stand gains the ability to transform any object (that is no larger than a 5ft cube) into a living organism as a bonus action or as a reaction. This can be a plant or animal, its unarmed strikes become 1d4 if they aren't already higher, and must be of an equal size to the object transformed. It cannot be a human additionally, the animal will act on its own. It will instinctively seek out the object that it was originally part of. You may use your bonus action to revert it back to its original object. You can also sense the presence of all living things. If you touch a person or object you can sense the shape of its soul, this makes illusions fail and if the person is polymorphed you can see their original form. You can also use this as a makeshift healing ability, healing others for 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier; you can only use this for healing a number of times equal to double your Proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest. You can use this to create specific body parts or limbs of your choosing which will then attach to creatures within reach for them to use if they are missing it. You can also reanimate some one by forcing their soul back into their body. Their body will still continue to decompose and they do not count as living. You can make a makeshift body using this ability as well.
Please Don't Make Me Repeat Myself[edit]
Starting at level 7, when a creature other than you makes a successful attack against an organism formed by your Stand's "Life Giver" ability, that creature takes all the damage that the organism would have taken and suffers any condition the organism also suffers. If the organism dies, the attacker's hit points are not dropped to 0 but they are still forced to make death saving throws, the organism also returns to its original form. They fall unconscious if they fail all 3 or they can continue on if they succeed 1 saving throw.
At 9th level, you can spend 1 spirit point to make it so your last attack that round deals double damage and will knock the opponent back 10 feet. you can also add your strength (or dexterity) to the 2nd attack made with 2 weapon fighting if you are using your unarmed strikes.
I Have a Dream[edit]
Starting at level 11, when you are brought down to 0 hit points, you cannot gain any failed death saving throw stacks until after your next turn. If you do gain failure stacks, you cannot gain more than 1 at the start of each round and you cannot die through any other means except if you have 3 failure stacks. Furthermore, you can still have your turn as normal when you are at 0 hit points while forced to make the death saving throws as a free action. Your movement speed is halved as long as you have 0 hit points. You may use your action to spend 1 spirit point to either remove 1 failure stack or gain 1 success stack, or 2 for both.
Starting at level 14, you gain advantage and proficiency with investigation and perception checks. This feature extends to your allies if they are within 30 ft of you. Furthermore, you and any allies within 60 ft of you and aware of your presence gain advantage to strength and constitution saving throws. However you get an extra +3 points on every roll you make.
Kore Ga... Requiem... Da[edit]
Starting at level 20, if you stab yourself with an arrow your stand becomes its requiem form, allowing you to force others to completely negate any action, bonus action, or reaction using a bonus reaction within 500 ft of them. During this effect, you have advantage on every roll you make. You may also reroll your own rolls as a free action, but only once on each of your turns. Golden Experience Requiem lasts infinitely while it holds an arrow. Gold Experience Requiem has every other ability that this alignment has. You may also use this ability to create pocket dimensions and have anyone you touch experience an infinite death loop. While in this death loop they cannot be revived by any means and their soul is being infinitely killed.
Stand User Alignment: Pistols[edit]
Stand of the Assassin[edit]
The Pistol Alignment Stand has exceptional dexterity. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier + 5. Your Stand is physically weak and the size of a bullet, however, it is incredibly quick and is split into 6 individual stands. Without a weapon equipped, your stand can move up to 25 feet away from you, can split up in different directions, but can only be commanded to attack once as an action or bonus action. You can call out up to all 6 stands out at once as an action, bonus action, or reaction. Your stand can coordinate with itself to interact with an object as a single action or bonus action when they are nearby each other as well. Pistol Alignment users usually carry a 6 shot revolver on them that does 1d8 of damage, with a 30-foot range, however, you may choose to use any projectile weapon, at your DM’s discretion. Your stand may not equip any weapons unless they are specially designed for their size. Only your stand can use up your Exchange of Blow stacks. You may use your stand’s dexterity modifier instead of your own in any calculation.
Kids With Guns[edit]
At the 3rd level, Your stand has become more coordinated, and now can be fired out with your stand. You are given one additional stack of Exchange of Blows. When one of your projectile attacks misses, you may choose to expend one Exchange of Blows stack to roll 1d6, and so long as the result isn’t 1 or 4, your attack gets redirected by your stand and it is a guaranteed hit. On a failed roll, you will hit yourself instead. You may also choose to use your Exchange of Blow stack to make any attack a stealthy attack, but you must roll a d6 and the result must not be 1 or 4, and it is not considered a guaranteed attack. On a failed roll, you will hit yourself instead.
Shot through the Heart[edit]
At the 5th level, Your stand is far more coordinated than before and far more aggressive. Your stand now may regroup with itself without taking up an extra action. On a successful projectile attack from the user, you may choose to use 1 Exchange of Blows stack to have your stand relaunch the projectile close range by rolling 1d6 and not getting a 1 or 4, up to the number of Exchange of Blows stacks you have. On a failed roll, you will hit yourself instead. Your Stand may also use this ability when an ally or enemy projectile path is within 5 feet of your stand as a reaction to either cause the attack to miss, or to attempt to have it hit again.
At the 7th level, your body and spirit begin to build a pain tolerance to projectiles from your misfires. When hit by enemy projectiles, you gain +5 armor class. Your failed rolls now only do 1d4 of damage regardless of your projectile’s strength.
At the 9th level, Your reputation as an assassin precedes you, and you gain proficiency on intimidation, persuasion, and stealth if you do not have it already. You may also opt to use your Stand’s dexterity modifier instead of your charisma modifier during checks.
Emperor’s Gift[edit]
At the 11th level, you now gain the ability to bind one projectile weapon of choice to your person, and it is treated as part of your stand. Any projectile fired from it is given the Light and Finesse properties, and the weapon no longer consumes any ammo. This weapon cannot be unequipped from the user and materializes on command.
Bleed it Out[edit]
At the 14th level, you may expend 2 spirit points to gain one stack of Exchange of Blows as a Bonus Action. You may do this multiple times during a single Bonus Action.
Pistols Requiem[edit]
At the 20th level, You discover a tool, that when applied to your stand grants you temporary access to a far greater power. For 6 turns, you gain +2 Exchange of Blows at the beginning of each turn. “Kids with Guns” and “Shot Through The Heart” do not require a d6 to activate, and all projectiles that come in contact with your stand do your Stand’s Dexterity mod as additional damage.
Stand User Alignment: Tusk[edit]
Stand of Spin[edit]
The Tusk Alignment Stand has high dexterity. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier, as it evolves along the way it gains a +1 to its dexterity and strength for every act after the first. The rest of your Stand's strength, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5ft away from your character's position at 3rd level, at 7th level its 10ft, at 11th level it's 20ft and at 20th level its 30ft. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Your Stand becomes proficient in Unarmed Strikes at 14th level.
Tusk Act 1[edit]
Starting at level 3, you learn the secret of the spin and the power to awaken your stand. You learn how to rotate your nails at an incredibly fast pace and fire them like bullets. You have as many rounds as there are fingers on your hands and feet. You become proficient in attacking with the nail bullets. The range of the bullets is 10ft and 20ft with disadvantage. The bullets deal 1d6 + your dexterity modifier as Piercing damage and they reload automatically after a full round of combat.
Pizza Mozzarella![edit]
Starting at level 5, you may spend a spirit point to attack twice a round, you must take a short or long rest to use this feature again. Additionally, you learned to be proficient in one instrument of your choice as well as have proficiency on perform checks and ridding a mount and mounted combat.
Tusk Act 2[edit]
Starting at level 7, your stand is changed physically from its original form and now has new features and powers as your determination and spirit grows along with it. The nail bullets that originally accompanied you have now evolved alongside the stand. The range of the bullets changed to 40ft and 60ft with disadvantage. The bullets now deal 2d6 + your dexterity modifier as Piercing damage, however, they do not reload anymore and you must spend a short or long rest to regain them. You may also spend a Spirit point to recover one nail bullet as a bonus action. If your bullet misses the target, it will land 2d10 feet away and you can spend a spirit point to move the hole leftover by the shot and move it a maximum of 10ft closer to hit the original target. the target must make a Wisdom saving throw to notice the hole following him.
Psyche Refresh![edit]
Starting at level 9, you now have the ability to refresh your inner psyche and remove any mental disabilities weather imposed by magical or non-magical effects. You must take a long rest before using this power again. You also gain the power to cast locate object and locate person as cantrips.
Tusk Act 3[edit]
Starting at level 11, you and your stand have grown, the stronger your mental psyche the more powerful the stand. Your leftover holes from your nail bullets can now move to their original target if they missed wherever they are, regardless of magical barrier or however far they are. If you have seen them or used locate person or locate object, you can find them. Your nail bullets increase in power dealing 4d6 + dex piercing damage. You can additionally travel or send any body part as well as send your stand through these holes as a move action, and to wherever the end of the hole is and if you are close enough to a hole. You can also split yourself and only have a limited amount of your body go through. You may also not bring any other person or object with you as it will be destroyed if you try to.
Tusk Act 4[edit]
Starting at level 14, your stand has no more room to grow. You and it have reached a masterful level of power, though at the cost of some sort of sacrifice. You gained the power of infinity. When you ride your mount or walk and use movement points in a round, and then strike a target with your stand, you make them spin for an infinite amount of times. This attack works if your stand gets close enough to hit the target. It can only do this through a melee attack by the stand, and once the target starts spinning the only way to end it is with an equal amount of spin force in the opposite direction/flow. You may spend 1 spirit point to have Act 4 also have advantage on the next melee attacks when the enemy has a spell that increases one's defense. Your nail bullets evolve as well, they now deal 5d6 + Dexterity modifier as piercing damage to an enemy. When an enemy is struck by the melee attack of Act 4 with the infinite spin, they will begin to spin and receive 2d6 Slashing damage after 5 ft of movement, every 5 ft of movement further deals an additional 2d6. The effect of the spin slowly travels through their body starting at their feet and moving one body part up per turn till it reaches the head. If you move and attack while on a mount, the damage doubles. For every turn until their death or opposed by another equal force. Be careful when using this stand, whatever its target is, it will not end its spin even if you tell it to. You may spend 1 spirit point to have the stand deal the same damage of a nail bullet on a successful attack.
Tusk Requiem[edit]
Starting at level 20, Tusk has evolved beyond the level of his infinite spin, reaching the power of the Dimensional Spin. As a bonus action, you can transform Tusk into a Bullet and fire him. You no longer need to build up any energy to reach infinite spin and you can collect the energy from yourself on the spot, once you do that you will not be able to move at all for next turn. The Spin can also be controlled, you can stop or start it at any point on any target you have struck with your nail bullets, stand fists or own hands. It begins at 6d6 + dex Slashing damage in the whole body and it will return the target to their original location at the end of their turn. You may spend 1 Spirit as a bonus action point to increase the damage done to a target by 2d6. Once you have the Stand set on a target, no spell can stop it. It is immune to magic.
Stand User Alignment: The King[edit]
Stand of Destiny[edit]
The King Alignment Stand has high strength and constitution. Your stand's strength is equal to your Strength score + your Constitution modifier + 5. Your constitution can go up to 30. Your Stand's dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your stands strength modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10 feet away from you. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a 1d4 for damage rolls (this will turn into a 1d6 at level 5, a 1d8 at level 11, and a 1d10 at level 17).
Herculean Strength[edit]
At 3rd level, your stand no longer uses extra attacks from Exchange Blows. Instead, when you land a hit with your stand, it deals damage equal to your damage roll times your proficiency bonus. If your stand is in the same space as you, you gain this feature in addition to your extra attacks, but cannot attack anymore in the same turn after landing 1 hit. You may spend 1 spirit point to use the max damage roll.
You're not getting away![edit]
At 5th level, when a creature is grappling you or if you are grappling a creature, your hits always deal max damage roll. If a creature grapples you, you automatically grapple them as a free action. Furthermore, when a creature attempts to break away from your grapple, you may use your reaction to attack them, causing them to automatically fail the check to escape your grapple.
At 7th level, you gain the ability to see future projections, and these projections are mental images clearly viewed in your head. These images consist of anything and everything that will happen around you within 30 ft of you and you can see everything that will occur between the end of your current turn to the beginning of your next turn. While this feature is active, you can impose disadvantage or advantage on one of your rolls or an opponent's roll once every round in addition to the future projections. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause disadvantage or advantage additional times.
The Boss's Most Trusted[edit]
At 9th level, you gain advantage and are proficient in deception and persuasion. Using a long rest, you can create a 2nd persona that will act as your second personality; you can only have one such persona at a time. This second personality does not possess the memories that you possess but will retain any new information gained while active. You can telepathically communicate with this persona to give it instructions that it will follow. The persona will also have a different physical look than you as well as its own personality, determined by you upon creation of it. The persona has access to every language, proficiency, race/class ability, feature, etc that you have. You can spend a long rest to change how the persona looks or delete parts of their memory. You will always know what they know, even if they forget. Control of this persona can never be taken away from you. You can use your bonus action to switch between you and your persona, but it will only happen at the start of your next turn. While the persona is switched out, it does not gain any new memories that you gain, but will still gain the same features, abilities, etc. that you gain. You may spend 1 spirit point to immediately switch personas as a free action.
Time Erase[edit]
At 11th level, you gain the ability to "erase" time, propelling time forward instantly. using your whole turn, you can use "Time Erase" and become unable to be detected in any manner by the enemy. All rolls made by hostile creatures are made with a disadvantage. At the start of your next turn, you return to normal and everyone other than you and your second persona has forgotten what has transpired between now and the moment you activated "Time Erase" because it never happened. While "Time Erase" is active, you cannot affect others and they cannot affect you. Using this feature 3 times within 6 turns will give 1 level of exhaustion. You can spend 1 spirit point to reset the number of times you used it. At 17th level, you can activate Time Erase with just your action.
Such Futility![edit]
At 14th level, you may use "Time Erase" as a reaction, if it wasn't already active before. Activating it this way allows you to move in the same turn you used the reaction. Using it as a reaction does not go against your limit nor does it give any levels of exhaustion. You can spend 1 spirit point upon using the reaction to cause all creatures to fail their attack rolls during Time Erase.
The King Requiem[edit]
At 20th level, you gain the power to enter Requiem for 1 minute using your whole turn. "Time Erase" is activated the moment you enter Requiem. During Requiem, you can attack and affect others in ways you normally couldn't during "Time Erase". Your attacks do not miss during this mode. You can end this feature early using a bonus action. At the end of Requiem, creatures that you selected and can detect are then forced to make a STR saving throw against a DC of 8 + your stand's strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. On failure, they are removed from this plane and into their own custom plane, where they can still perceive everything around them but cannot interact with nor escape without the use of a Wish spell. On success, they take 5d10 psychic damage, 5d10 force damage, and they lose their action for their next turn. You can only use this once a day.
Stand User Alignment: Hierophant[edit]
Stand of Control[edit]
The Hierophant Alignment Stand has high dexterity. Your stand's dexterity is equal to your dexterity + your charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's strength, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's constitution modifier. Your Stand's unarmed strikes use a d4 for rolling damage. Your stand can move 20 ft away from you.
Coiled Body[edit]
At 3rd level, your stand's body is able to stretch rather far, allowing it to interact with or attack creatures/objects up to 60 ft away without leaving the space it's currently occupying, but will only deal half damage to those not in melee range. You may also use your action to stretch your stand, allowing it to become an "Alarm" spell. This feature allows your stand to grab objects and pull them to you or pull yourself to another location with a free action; this allows you to interact with multiple objects at a time with your stand. Grappling with your stand still allows your stand to move around without moving the grappled creature nor removing the grappled condition from them; you can grapple more than 1 creature with your stand, but they will be freed if they break out or if your stand has been stretched farther than 60 ft to maintain them. You can spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft.
Emerald Splash[edit]
At 5th level, you can make a ranged attack against a creature within 60 ft with your stand. Creatures who can see your stand must make a DEX saving throw against a DC of 8 + your stand's dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. On failure, they take 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning or piercing damage; damage die increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 6d6 at 14th level, 8d6 at 17th level. On success, they take half damage. If they cannot see your stand, they take full critical damage. You may spend 1 spirit point upon using this to have them roll with a disadvantage. If they already have a disadvantage, they will automatically fail instead if you spend the spirit point. You can only use Emerald Splash at most 2 times during your turn
At 7th level, Emerald Splash now has a cone shape, with a width of 30 ft at the end of it. You can select which creatures are targeted by Emerald Splash. You may use your whole turn to spend 1 spirit point to attack with Emerald Splash non-stop. Creatures you chose within range who enter or start their turn within the range of Emerald Splash are subjected to its effects. They are also targeted by Emerald Splash if they make an attack against anyone other than you. While using this feature to channel Emerald Splash, you cannot make any attacks other than Emerald Splash with your action. You can use your bonus action to end the effect.
Marionette Control[edit]
At 9th level, you can have your stand enter the body of a creature as an action. Your stand will then fully control the creature, using the creature's scores. It cannot use any abilities, features, etc. that the creature possesses nor can your stand be seen at all. Your stand can separate from you for an infinite distance in this manner. You can only have your stand control creatures who automatically fail STR checks or corpses that have been killed in the last 24 hrs. Leaving the body deals 3d10 force damage to it. You may spend 1 spirit point when your stand leaves the body to deal double damage.
At 11th level, you can stretch your stand out thinly, creating a net around you with a range of 60 ft using your bonus action. Anyone who steps within 60 ft of you is immediately known to you. You can have your stand can appear anywhere within this net, even outside the 20 ft range. You can recall your stand back to you as a bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft. You may also spend 1 spirit point to turn the net into difficult terrain for hostile creatures.
Hierophant Barrier[edit]
At 14th level, you can have your stand become an invisible 30 ft radius trap using your action. Anyone who enters, moves, or starts their turn inside the trap on the same plane are then targeted by Emerald Splash. Your stand can appear anywhere within this 30 ft. Attacking a single creature with Emerald Splash now hits them 3 times. While in Barrier mode, your stand can exist outside the 20 ft range limit. The effects of Detection apply to Barrier as well. You can recall your stand back to you as a bonus action. You may spend 1 spirit point to increase the range to 60 ft.
Hierophant Requiem[edit]
At 20th level, you gain Requiem mode for 1 minute. During this, you can use Emerald Splash for your extra attacks as well. If you use Marionette Control on a creature, your stand gains access to all of that creature's abilities, features, etc and will move during your turn. You can only use this once a day. The default range for Coiled Body, Emerald Splash, Detection, and Hierophant Barrier are all tripled; spending spirit points on the respective features will double that range.
Stand User Alignment: Tower[edit]
Stand of Defense[edit]
The Tower Alignment Stand has an incredibly high AC and constitution. Your stands AC equals 6 + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Your Constitution Modifier can go up to 30. Your stand has equal hit points to you, but the damage done to you will not be done to your stand and vice Versa. Your stand also can only be the target of physical attacks, as it will automatically succeed any saving throws it is forced to take. Your stand will continue to exist even if you die. You can bring out your Stand once every 8 hours on top of you, and it will remain there until you despawn it. If your stand dies, you can simply respawn it 8 hours after it dies. Your stand takes up a 20 by 20-foot radius and is a tall radio tower that can be seen by anyone, whether they have a stand or not. Once spawned, your stand cannot move and has no distance restrictions on how far away it can be from you. The tower is open and does not prohibit movement. If this stand is spawned inside another object, the stand will take the place of that object until the stand despawns. If there is only one person in the tower, that person will be kept prisoner, as if they try to leave by any other method than instantaneous travel such as stopping time or teleportation, they will be petrified as a metal statue with their hit-points turning to 0. The only other way they can leave is if someone else comes in and takes their place or if the stand dies or despawns. This stand feeds off that one person inside the tower that is not you or an ally, as it will deal 1d4 damage to them every turn (if there is more than one person, roll a die every turn to find out who takes the damage).
Defensive Retaliation[edit]
At 3rd level, you can spend 1 spirit point to activate a portion of your stands defensive capabilities for the duration of the battle. You have memorized every section of your tower, every angle and beam. Using this information, you can strike your tower in a way that causes the tower to strike back with green lasers and it will attempt to hit another target. Your stand hits with disadvantage whenever the target is outside your tower with a range 30 feet, and normally if they are inside your tower. Your stand uses your dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls and is proficient with these types of attacks. The attack deals the same damage your weapon deals. You must be inside or next to the tower to use this ability.
Tower Wires[edit]
At 5th level, your stand has evolved to have wires coming out of it for greater stability. Your stands AC now has an additional 3 points (increases to 6 at level 15.) In addition to the AC, you now have mastered the ability to scale your tower and as a result, you can climb to your movement speed to a maximum height of 50 feet while in or next to your tower. The tower counts as half cover to you while you are in it. If someone tries to attack you and they miss, there is a 50% chance that they will hit the tower instead, and will damage the tower if their attack roll beats your tower’s AC. If someone else tries to climb the tower, it will be treated as difficult terrain.
Conservation of Energy[edit]
At level 7, if your stand is the target of an attack and the attack does not meet your stands armor class, the stand will absorb the energy. Your Stand gains energy equal to the attacks damage die plus any bonuses the attack would have received. The next time this stand makes an attack, it will add the damage the attack would have delt.
The Power of Billiards[edit]
At level 9, whenever you use the defensive retaliation ability and you attack more than once, the attacks become harder to stop. For every 2 times you attack in your turn, 1 of them is made with advantage.
Upgraded defense[edit]
At level 11, you can activate another portion of your defensive abilities. Whenever someone attacks your tower whether they hit or miss, your tower will retaliate with an exact copy of the attack if it was melee, or a green laser if it was a ranged attack, using the same damage die and bonuses. Your stand attacks with the same attack roll + your Dexterity modifier.
Complete Absorption[edit]
At level 14, if there are at least 2 beings inside your tower, using your action, you can spend 5 spirit points as you can attempt to absorb one of them. They will make a constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. If they succeed, they take 4d12 psychic damage but if they fail, they will be petrified as a metal statue. They can redo this saving throw at the end of each of their turns to escape the petrification. If they fail 3 times, their hitpoints drop to 0.
At level 20, you touch your stand with a piece of the arrow and it goes requiem. For 1 minute, your stand is completely invincible. You can double this time by spending 1 spirit point and can continue to do so for every spirit point you use. In addition, during this time, all of your stands attacks have advantage, and its range on these attacks increases to 300 feet. Your stand also takes up a 40 by 40-foot radius during Requiem and will drain the life of everyone inside the tower who isn’t the stand user or an ally dealing 4d10 damage every turn.
My own stand[edit]
You can telepathically order your Stand to move, but by ordering your Stand to interact with its surroundings (attack, lift something, etc.) you use up your action for that turn. Spells that target your stand affect you, and spells that affect you affect your stand through you (for example: Bane, when cast on your stand the user must make the saving throw. On a fail both you and the stand are affected.) Your stand can phase through creatures/objects and everything seen by your stand is also seen by you, during this time you are blind and deaf. But you can still see so you have all the proof you need. Hey Kaglan, when you have your stand out your proficiency bonus at level 4 is +2 then the normal amount which would be 2, the total is 4 same goes for the other levels, level 8 it's +3, level 12 it's +5, level 16 it's +6, (also stands can attack with your attack action.)
Range of 120 ft
Spirit Points Many Stand abilities require expending Spirit Points to activate. Starting at 3rd level, The number of spirit points you have is shown in the Stand User table. You regain all expended Spirit Points after completing a long rest.
Shots fired
Your stand has a gun decide the damage doc and what type of gun
At level 1 mandom can now sense everything, and absolutely everything, secret attacks by your teammates, secret flame attacks, spells ahead of time he now rolls saving throws with advantage, however, if it's simply an attack from your teammates they would rule normally as long as it's not a saving throw,mandom senses things before it even happens, also your stand's ac is now your ac. If you grapple someone or your stand grapples someone or you get grappled you now roll with advantage on all your hits. At level 4 you get a +2 ac, at level 8 you get a +2 ac on top of your last +, at level 12 you get +2, etc until level 20.
Mandom’s endurance
Your stand's AC becomes your AC and if you are restrained or grappled you can use one spirit point to break out of it.
Innate activation
At level 1 you can now use one spirit point outside of battle to activate this and it lasts 6 hours, to activate in battle it uses up two spirit points or your bonus action one of your choice. in this mode you shoot the enemy with your stand 2 times, and once with your action making a total of three attacks that you can make. All three of these attacks if made while in innate activation are rolled with advantage depending on the layout of the room ( if there are walls then you roll with advantage if it's the outside you roll normally, however, if there are houses around you still roll with advantage, as long as any standing object is around you roll all attacks with advantage, while in this you have immunity to things that affect your senses and your stands senses like shatter, also you cannot be controlled or charmed or anything that would distract you from your objective, at level 6 when in this you get one bonus action.
Time Rewind
At level 2 you can use one spirit point to rewind three of your attacks to roll again you can do this twice per battle which allows up to 6 retries on your rolls, It takes two spirit points to rewind six attacks.
Time stop
At level 3 you can stop time while in innate activation to dodge 3 attacks for you or your teammate while near 120 feet, since your stand can sense things ahead of time. If a surprise attack is made or someone is breathing fire you can still dodge it or a spell, any spell or anything can be dodged since your stand can see a bit into the future, dodge anything, ANYTHING DOC. At level 8 it becomes 4 attacks, at level 16 it becomes 7 attacks.
Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Exchange Blows
At 5th level, you can attack twice whenever you take the attack action. In addition, when a Stand User is damaged by a hostile creature, you make a DC 10 constitution check to see if you can gain 1 stack of Exchange Blows. On a success, you gain 1 stack of exchange blows. For every stack of exchange blows you have, your stand gains an extra attack. You can only have up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) amount of stacks. These extra attacks are shared only by your stand. You can also use your reaction to attack several times equal to the number of stacks you have. All stacks are removed once you can no longer fight any hostile creatures.
Starting at level 5, you gain a crit on 3 attacks that are 100% going to hit, per long rest all of these crit attacks are refreshed, and you get plus 1 attack to your character which (normal attacks can be used with your stand.)
Vampiric essence
Starting at level 6, while innate activation, you and your stand gain an AC bonus equal to the amount of Exchange Blows stacks you have times 3, you now also gain the ability to shoot lasers out of your eye with damage being 2d6+strength mod you can only do this two times per long rest, however, this action consumes a spirit point, and on top of that At 11th level, successful attacks against a creature with less than 40% of its maximum hit points remaining causes them to be incapacitated until the end of their next turn, +3 dex modifier.
Starting at level 9, you have begun to completely embrace your inhuman power. You will now heal 1d6 plus your constitution modifier at the start of each of your turns if you are under half health and you have at least 1 hitpoint; When you have been brought down to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If the hit kills you, then you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to quickly regenerate and be brought back up to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier hit points, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated for 1 turn. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it. At 11th level, you may have your grapples (not your stand's) freeze creatures to their very core, making them suffer the paralyzed condition; you can release your grapple and they would still be frozen, causing them to fall over and become prone. The frozen condition on them will last until they succeed in a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier, but they will break out if they have been hit by a damaging attack/spell. If they had less than 30% of their health remaining when they took damage while being frozen, they will be instantly shattered and killed and their body would be destroyed. At 13th level, you can make a ranged attack by firing high-pressure liquid from your eyes at a creature within 60 ft as an action, dealing 5d6 + your proficiency bonus piercing damage that cannot be reduced (7d6 at 17th level); this attack will always hit what you are looking at, but if used beyond that range, the creature can make a DEX saving throw against a DC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, taking no damage on a success, grapples can not be broken at all, +2 dex modifier.
Blood Drain
Beginning at 11th Level, while in innate activation, as a bonus action, you can cause your attacks to tap into the life essence of your enemies. When you do so, you gain the Blood Drain effect, causing you and your stand's melee attacks to heal you several hit points equal to one-fourth of the damage dealt. This effect lasts for as long as Bloodlust remains active. In addition, if you knock someone unconscious, you can drain their blood with an action. This will allow you to regain spirit points 1/2 stand user level rounded down. This will also heal you 1/4th of your current hit points rounded down (you cannot gain bonus hit points this way). This will also cure all poisons and diseases currently affecting your character, or curses or spells.
Starting at level 12 you may activate "Time Stop", it lasts for 1 round and it requires your action to activate. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions, and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of the dash. You can attack creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. You gain a +4 to all melee attacks during this time. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a Dex saving throw of 15 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success. For every 2 successful melee attacks you make during ZA WARUDO, your opponent gets knocked 5 feet backwards once time resumes. You can use this every 2 rounds. If you use it before the cooldown is over, you gain 1 level of exhaustion, using this also allows you to attack +1 time with your stand. If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast ZA WARUDO and have your turns with them. The rules of ZA WARUDO still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.
Mandom Over Heaven
Starting at level 20, you have ascended and gained the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. You may now use Mandom Over Heaven twice a day. You can activate it with your bonus action. For 1 minute, Mandom Over Heaven allows you to change reality itself into anything you want by touching it with either your or your stand's fists. Once per turn during this time, you can alter reality as if by the wish spell. You cannot be prevented from using it by anything. The voice component is not required to cast this. You must make physical contact with whatever you wish to affect, but you do not suffer any penalties for using Wish (Talk to DM about the result you wish for). When you make physical contact with it, the change you want to happen will happen instantaneously, taking place even if it's not your turn. During Mandom Over Heaven, you may activate ZA WARUDO as a free action and ZA WARUDO will not end its duration until after The World Over Heaven ends or if you choose to end it as a free action. As a result of attaining this level of power, you also become immune to the effects of Wish from anyone other than your own usage of this feature.
Ari Ari Ari Arrivederci!
Starting at 10th level, you live for and thrive in combat; starting at level 10, you can add your strength or charisma modifier to your initiative rolls.
Long Travels
Starting at 13th level, your travels have caused you to adapt to the rough obstacles you face. You cannot become exhausted from using dash and have advantage on environmental hazards. When you complete a short rest, the minimum you can roll on each dice for recovering hit points from hit die is a 5.
At 14th level, your strength and constitution scores can not be reduced, and your hit point maximum can not be reduced. Once per turn, you can gain advantage on one attack. Your critical hits for your stand's attack rolls are now 19-20.
Stando Powa!
At 15th level, you can now use your stand to avoid damage. Once per turn when you or your stand fail an attack roll against a creature, roll a D20. On a 10 or higher, you gain 1 stack of Stando Powa! When a creature attacks you, you can use 1 stack of Stando Powa! to completely negate the damage/effect; this does consume a reaction. Projectiles are deflected and attacks are countered by you or your stand's weapons. You can only have 1 stack of Stando Powa! at a time. You do not gain stacks from a successful hit caused by expending a stack. Stando Powa! stacks stay with you for 10 minutes.
Unbreakable Will
Beginning at level 17, your years of battle have given you the ability to ignore some of the most detrimental conditions of battle. You have advantage on saving throws against being stunned or poisoned. You take a reduced 4 damage from attacks and hostile creatures cannot gain advantage on you if you are restrained.
Seasoned Stand
At 18th level, your stand gains an additional +2 to hit if they were proficient with whatever they were using.
Ascended Stand
Beginning at level 20, your stand finally unlocks its inner potential. Some stands gain an ultimate ability that can be used to achieve one's wishes, others gain a form called requiem which grants them unparalleled power, and some stands achieve a power even greater than both of those combined, as they ascend to heaven. Your stand will now always remain invisible to all non-stand users.
Second Wind
one per long rest 1d10+level
Stand User Alignment: Patriot[edit]
Stand of Justice[edit]
The Patriot Alignment has high charisma and strength. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Charisma + your Strength modifier + 3. Your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.
Dimension Hop[edit]
At 3rd level, you can go to an alternate dimension as an action for 1 spirit point. You can stay in this dimension for 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier minutes. You can return from this dimension at will. You can take 1 creature within 5 feet with you to this dimension for 1 spirit point. You can take up to 3 items from this dimension for 1 spirit point per object (at 9th level, this cost is reduced to 0 if the object is no larger than 1 foot).
The one who took the first napkin determines everything[edit]
At 5th level, you can pull out other versions of yourself from alternative universes. They have half your hit point maximum. They can't use your Stand, but their equipment is this same as yours, so they can use the weapon that you selected from your equipment. Every version of you has the same ability scores and non-Stand features as you.
The only one that can move freely in this dimension is me[edit]
At 7th level, when any object or creature except you touches their alternate version they or the creature holding it take 2d4 + your Stand's Charisma modifier force damage (this increases to 3d4 at level 11 4d8, at 15 level 5d8 and at level 20 6d10).
I have 'feelings' of 'patriotism'. Every action I have performed was because I judged it to be 'absolutely' for this country's sake.[edit]
At 9th level, when you drop to 0 hit point, you can instead drop to 1 and can go to alternative dimension. You regain use of this feature at the end of a long rest. When you return from an alternate dimension, you can spend 2 spirit points to heal yourself for 3d10 + your Charisma modifier hit points.
My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of 'Justice'[edit]
At 11th level, you can not be charmed or frightened. If you pull a humanoid from another universe that is a Stand User in this one, you can choose to give them a different Stand. This does not apply to other versions of you.
At 14th level, after being in another dimension, you can return to any available space within 60 feet of where you left. You can spend 2 spirit point as a reaction to grant ranged attacks against you disadvantage until the end of your turn.
Love Train[edit]
At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, you become washed in the light of Justice. If you do not attack, you can not take damage until the beginning of your next turn due to an impassable dimensional barrier. Your Stand’s attack rolls count as natural 20s. You gain a flying speed equal to half your movement speed, and you can squeeze through any gap larger than 1 foot. Any damage negated by you gets karmically applied to another random creature in the same dimension as you (i.e. they will not suffer the same damage, but they will die when they otherwise wouldn't've).
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