Stabilizer Backpack (3.5e Equipment)

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Stabilizer Backpack: A large white backpack with a retractable gas mask, eye cover, belt and weapon holster along with a small red button atop it. Upon equipping, two metal arms come out and set themselves at your side, pumping O+ blood through your veins if you are injured internally. Opening the backpack reveals a blue interior, with a cannon of sorts inside, a large canister of oxygen, several potion holsters, and a folding box containing medical supplies (4 bandage rolls, 4 potions of heal minor wounds, 2 potions of Restoration and 2 potions of Regeneration. The gas mask makes you immune to gas of any kind, and gives you +2 to fortitude saving throws when equipped. The eye cover makes you immune to all vision-affecting spells, and gives you the effect of Arcane Sight, and Darkvision up to 60 ft. The belt tightens the bag to you (along with two straps over your shoulders, like a normal bag) making the bag immune to being knocked off. The holster can carry any weapon at your side. If all sets are equipped, the bag assumes you are in danger, and injects you with Adrenaline. Upon pressing the button atop the bag, the bag morphs inside out, turning into a small blue box with all the details mentioned. A red eye opens it on the center of its head, and four metal legs extend from below it. The cannon extends on top of its head, and now acts like an Absolute Ruin shotgun. It has a button upon its head to turn it back into a bag. The robot will follow you around and help you with its life.

If you are wearing the backpack with ruptured or missing organs, the backpack will attempt to fix these by creating artificial life within you. This fixes your wounds, and if any physical stat is 9 or below, it becomes 10 with it on. These bonuses are removed if you take off the bag.

Moderate ; CL 20; [[Craft Wondrous Item [Item Creation]|Craft Wondrous Item]]; Cost 175,000 gp, 30,000 exp; Weight: 110 lb lb.; Market Price: 250,000 gp

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