Spelljammer Travel (Spelljammer Supplement)

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Template:5E Spelljammer Breadcrumb


In water[edit]

A ship can move at a maximum speed in miles per hour equal to the highest unexpanded spell slot provided by the helmsman.

In Atmosphere[edit]

A ship can fly at a maximum speed in miles per hour equal to the highest unexpanded spell slot x10 provided by the helmsman.

Taking Off and Landing When taking off from a planet or moon, once the helmsman sits at the spelljammer helm, it takes 1 minute for the helmsman to attune to the helm.

Leaving a Planet

The larger the planet or moon, the longer it takes for a ship to escape its gravity well. The times given in the table below assume the ship is traveling straight upwards.

Planet Size Escape Time
A 10 minutes
B 15 minutes
C 20 minutes
D 30 minutes
E 40 minutes
F 1 hour
G 2 hours
H 4 hours
I 8 hours
J 16 hours

Strong winds double the time required

A storm or gale quadruple the time required, and the ship has disadvantage on Dexterity checks.

In a hurricane, a ship cannot takeoff or land.

In Wildspace[edit]

Wildspace is the interplanetary medium within a Crystal Sphere.

A ship capable of spelljamming can travel through wildspace at 4 million mph (or 100 million miles per day. This speed can only be maintained in a straight line.

A vessel drops to tactical speed if it comes within 7 miles of a Large or larger object. Tactical speed in wildspace is maximum speed in miles per hour equal to the highest unexpanded spell slot x10 provided by the helmsman.

In Phlogiston[edit]

Phlogiston is the material/plane between Crystal Spheres.

A ship capable of spelljamming can travel through Phlogiston at 4 million mph (or 100 million miles per day. This speed can only be maintained in a straight line.

A vessel drops to tactical speed if it comes within 7 miles of a Large or larger object. Tactical speed in Phlogiston is maximum speed in miles per hour equal to the highest unexpanded spell slot x10 provided by the helmsman.

See Spelljammer Combat (5E Spelljammer Setting) for ship combat at tactical speeds. Template:5E Spelljammer Breadcrumb