Spell Travel (5e Feat)

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Spell Travel

Prerequisites: Spellcasting
You learned how to travel with your spells but with a slight cost. You gain the following benefits:

  • When casting a spell, you may travel the distance of the spell in front of the target before casting it, casting it directly in front of the target. (you take damage if the spell has an AOE that would damage you as well (eg. fire ball).
  • When using a multi targeting spell, you may go to each individual target, however you must beat a Constitution saving throw equal to your spell casting mod, if you fail gain a level of exhaustion for each additional target after the first.
  • If you can reflect a spell with a spell, you may travel where the reflected spell is going to.

If you use this feature, you can not use your natural movement or the dash action, furthermore you may not use this feat if you have used your natural movement or the dash action

(one vote)

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