Space (Rimworld Supplement)

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The Universe is vast and grand, and teeming with life and activity as well. If you can manage to get your hands on a space ship

Planet Types[edit]

  • Deadworld - Planets which have not been significantly contacted by humans. Generally not inhabitable. All planets are like this before people arrive for the first time.
  • Animal worlds - Planets with no people. Either everyone died, or the planet was seeded with plant and animal life by terraforming robots and nobody arrived.
  • Medieval worlds - Similar to Earth from the agricultural revolution until the industrial revolution. Social structures are usually feudal or imperial. Planets can stay in this state for millennia.
  • Steamworlds - Similar to Earth in the 19th century. Often this state is short-lived, as societies develop into midworlds, but it can be very stretched out depending on culture and government structure.
  • Midworlds - Worlds whose people have mastered flight, but not cheap interplanetary travel. Earth is in this stage in the 21st century.
  • Urbworlds - Super-high density planets dominated by cities. Urbworlds’ population growth outstripped their social and technological development, so they tend to be overcrowded, polluted, violent places. The people here are often callous towards strangers. This is often the outcome for midworlds that see their demographic transition into lower birth reversed by dysgenic reproduction patterns.
  • Glitterworlds - The most technologically advanced societies that can be led by humans. Swaddled in comforts by the strong arms of technology, glitterworlds are the peak of recognizable human society in terms of art, health, and generous human rights. Common people from these planets often lack grit and are very trusting in people and technology.
  • Rimworlds - Planets lacking in strong central government and low in population density. These places tend to hover around the industrial level of technology or lower. Because they’re not homogenized by a central government, they tend to see a lot of interaction between people of different technology levels, as travelers crash-land or ancient communities stumble out of their cryptosleep vaults. These planets are often at the rim of known space, hence the name.
  • Toxic worlds - Worlds destroyed by pollution, chemical or nuclear warfare, but still inhabitable at a low level, with sufficient technology.
  • Glassworlds - Worlds utterly destroyed by high-energy weapons of mass destruction. They’re nicknamed ‘marbles’ because their surfaces have been “glassed”. Nuclear weapons aren’t enough to glass a planet, so this level of destruction is rare. On some of these worlds, people can walk outdoors for a time without dying. None of them harbour permanent life bigger than a paramecium.
  • Transcendent worlds - It’s a stretch to call these entities worlds, since they resemble giant computers more than they resemble planets. The mechanics of these planets is mysterious, but many scholars believe transcendents are the outcome when a sovereign archotech decides to incorporate a whole planet into itself.
  • Indworlds - Distinct from Industrial worlds, they are worlds undergoing their industrial revolution.
  • Industrial worlds - Distinct from Indworlds, they are worlds devoted predominantly to industry. Some host large factory cities
  • Farming planets - Worlds devoted predominantly to farming. Not necessarily technologically backwards, with some using automated machinery that grow and harvest the multitude of crops.
  • Prison planets - Worlds where convicts are condemned to remove malefactors from society.
  • Feudal world - Multi-planet feudal empires besides the Empire exist.
  • Coreworlds - Based on the name, may be the worlds that form the astrographical or political core of human civilization, perhaps including Earth and other early colonies. Alternatively, may be worlds located in the galactic core or some other definition. Appear to be relatively advanced and stable, with at least midworld level surgical capabilities, planetary governments, and sufficient compentent military forces to push out both anarchists and fairly large mercenary forces.
  • Trash planets - Dumping grounds for surrounding glitterworlds.
  • Iceworld - Apparently self-descriptive. Plants are rare.
  • Other worlds - Beyond these categories, there are many exceptional planets in strange states created by their peculiar social and technological evolutions. Given the scale and age of the universe, there is a lot of time and space for a lot of very strange situations to develop.

Canon Planets[edit]

These are planets that are already known to exist within Rimworld. Within the actual setting these are not the only known planets, just taken from Rimworld lore.


A mountainous planet dominated by the Xuxamundi tribe, who worship a crash-landed Archotech Spore with the goal of restoring him to full power. Despite worshiping Archotechs they use primitive technology, only being able to use stolen tech from those who come to the planet.

Kalthas IV[edit]

A planet dominated by the Tanaka Facility, a education and research facility for the smartest individuals in the universe. The facility itself takes up half the small planets surface and is rumored to be the largest structure ever built by a Non-Archotech civilization.

Ceti V[edit]

An Urbworld infamous for the constant conflict between its large crime syndicates, who have completely replaced any formal nations on the planet. Many come there for guidance in several prestigious assassins guilds that the planet holds as a result of the influence of organized crime.

Aracena VI[edit]

A planet known for being the de-facto capital of Neo-Catholicism. Under Pope John CCL, they are a very influential political figure across the universe and known for defending their interests using their elite Crusaders. Ever since prohibition came to the planet, there has been a growing organized crime movement.


A merchant planet known for housing several important corporations.

New China[edit]

A planet occupied by the exiled CCP. It’s under a communist state that also controls the planets moons known as Xuanpu and Quiqao. Xuanpu is in a state of rebellion from New China.


A jungle planet full of lush canopies and flowing rivers. It’s ruled by The Aracena Viceroyalty under Archbishop Bernard XVI. It also has a large underground racing community, that may have some ties to the alcohol distribution to Aracena IV.


The homeworld of the Insectoids, and the home the only known Insectoid Empress. The surface of the planet is mostly barren compared to the deep infested caverns below.


The former capital of The Empire before the calamity. The once proud capital is now a home to ruins full of viscous Mechanoids at constant war with the Insectoid infestation below. But within never-ending war lies bountiful treasure unimaginable to many other civilizations.


A steamy jungle world with tree-top villages, hill-top ziggurats, city temples, and shaman caves. Native Oubanyeni work as Shamans, hunters, fishers, gatherers and goatherds. Tree-harvesters and their henchmen sometimes attack those living there. People carry pila and ikwa as personal weapons. Lethal psychic drones and neurotoxin bombs have been deployed there making some areas into Insectoid infested dead-zones.


The capital of the Star Empire. The Star Empire was founded by a rebelling faction of The Empire, crowning themselves the Star Council and rejected the feudal lifestyle. They were one of the major forces responsible for the fall of Sophiamunda and the exile of The Empire. Amen-Ti itself is a large imperial city with Roman architecture combined with glitterworld technology.

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