Soul Mastery (4e Feat)

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Twisted Soul [Epic]

You start off each day with one extra soul stone, and when you use a soulstone may use two effects instead of one. You also gain the "Soul Master" encounter utility power.
Prerequisite: Demon Hunter (4e Class), Soul Harvest (4e Feat), Twisted Soul (4e Feat)
Benefit: Your Mastery over soulpower is hard to deny, and even other Demons look to you in reverence. You start off each day with an additional soulstone. In addition, when you use expend the use of a soulstone as a freeaction, you may use two effects rather than just one. A soul stone is expended ordinarily as the result of another power. In addition you gain the "Soul Master" daily utility power.

Soul Master Feat Power
You possess great mastery over soul energy, able to perform extraordinary feats with your power.
Daily Star.gif Soul stone, Demonhunter, Arcane, Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You expend the use of one "Soul stone".
Target: Self
Effect: You take the "Soul Harvester" polymorph form. While in the form, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and increase your reach by 1. While in the Soul Harvester polymorph form, every time you kill a creature you gain one "Soul stone".

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