Sorcerous Origins, for non-Sorcerers (5e Variant Rule)

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The Origins of Sorcery[edit]


Features Worth Consideration[edit]

Font of Magic: While it is true that some of the class Archetypes presented below actually grant this feature, some do not. Serving as an appearingly unlimited 'Font' of magical energy is certainly one of the perks to being a Sorcerer. That said, it should not be given out to people on too casual a basis.

A Character which does not possess the Font of Magic feature, which nevertheless possess one or more abilities which require the expenditure of spell points in order to activate them, may use each of those abilities up to once per short rest, without the need of spell points.

Individual Class Descriptions[edit]


Receives level 1 features at level 6.

Receives level 6 features at level 10.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.

At level 3 the Barbarian gains the Sorcerer's Font of Magic feature. He may use this feature to produce spell slots, despite the fact he does not normally possess spell slots.

At 3rd level, the Barbarian immediately learns two Cantrips, and two 1st level spells all of which must come from the Sorcerer spell list. At 5th level, and every odd numbered level thereafter the Barbarian may learn an additional Sorcerer Spell. The maximum spell level among spells the Barbarian may learn is equal to 1/3 their Barbarian level.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.


Receives level 1 features at level 1.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 18 features at level 17.

At level 2 the Cleric receives the Sorcerer's Font of Magic feature, gaining sorcery points equal to half their Cleric level (rounded down), plus 1. (2 at 2nd level; 11 at 20th level)

At level 8 the Cleric receives the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature, learning 2 metamagic options.


Receives level 1 features at level 2.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.

Receives level 18 features at level 18.

At level 10 the Druid learns their Beast Spells feature early.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 14 features at level 15.

Receives level 18 features at level 18.

At level 10 the Fighter gains an Ability Score Improvement


Receives level 1 features at level 6.

Receives level 6 features at level 11.

Receives level 14 features at level 17.

At level 3 the Monk gains the Sorcerer's Font of Magic feature. The monk may use this feature to gain spell slots, as a Sorcerer would.

From level 3 and onward, a Monk of this type gains a number of Sorcery Points equal to half their monk level. In addition, as a bonus action on their turn the Monk may exchange any even number of Sorcery points for half the same number of Ki points. Likewise, they may exchange any even number of Ki points for half the same number of Sorcery points. If a monk uses this feature to gain greater than their maximum number of Ki OR Sorcery points, those points may remain for up to 1 minute, after wich time any excess points are lost.

At level 3, the Monk learns one Cantrip, and one 1st level spell each of which must come from the Sorcerer spell list. At 6th 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th levels, the Monk may learn an additional Sorcerer Spell or Cantrip. The maximum spell level among spells the Monk may learn is equal to 1/3 their Monk level.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 14 features at level 15.

Receives level 18 features at level 20.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 14 features at level 15.

At level 11 the Ranger gains the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature, and is able to use each known metamagic option up to once per short rest.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 9.

Receives level 14 features at level 13.

Receives level 18 features at level 17.

At level 3, the Rogue receives one proficiency of their choice.


Receives level 1 features at level 1.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.

At level 10 the Warlock gains the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature, and is able to use each known metamagic option up to once per short rest.


Receives level 1 features at level 2.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.

At level 10 the Wizard gains the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature, and is able to use each known metamagic option up to once per short rest.

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