Society (3023 A.D. Solar System Supplement)
The solar system works on a system of democracy similar to the United States a thousand years before. Several changes have been made towards a more socialist nature due to the immense progress the human species faced before the 500-Year-Long War. However, due to the Solar War heavily depleting government resources, the government has taken more control of the solar system to maintain control and taken up a reliance on the corporations that profited off of the war.
Governmental Structure[edit]
The government has two core levels of government: The Solar Government and the Planetary Governments. The Solar Government oversees the Planetary Governments, and the Planetary Governments oversees the local governments and people that they are in charge of.
Solar Government Properties[edit]
The properties of the Solar Government.
Solar Legislative Branch.
- The Legislative Branch consists of two groups, the Solar Congress and the Solar Representatives. The Solar Congress is a large body that consists of the
Congress' of all of the planets within the solar system. The Solar Representatives are people who have been elected from the planets to have a position in the government body. The people elected for the Solar Representatives are usually local politicians or famous citizens.
Solar Judicial Branch.
- The Judicial Branch consists of the Solar Court, and it makes sure that the solar system is operating under the Ultimate. The Ultimate is the
"Constitution" of the solar system, and is the "ultimate text that we must abide by". The Solar Court consists of people the World Leaders, Solar Congress, and the Solar Representatives chose.
Solar Executive Branch.
- The Executive Branch, which consists of the World Leaders, who are the executives of each planet. They are the face and voice of each planet, and share the power of each of the respective planet's governments.
Planetary Government Properties[edit]
The structure of each of the planet's governments.
- Each planet also has its own "Congress" and "Representatives," which are called the "Planetary Congress" and "Planetary Representatives" respectively. They
share the power of the planet's government with their respective World Leader and Planetary Judicial Branch.
- Each planet also has their own Judicial Branch, called the "Planetary Court," which is completely separate from the Solar Court.
- Each planet has their own executive branch as well, called the World Leaders.
Corporate and Government Connection[edit]
The governments are poor after the war, and the corporations are very wealthy. This results in governments receiving funds from corporations, and in return, corporations have more control over the law. In 3023 A.D., a significant amount of the government has been replaced by politicians under the corporate thumb, and several laws have been passed on both the planetary and local level that appeals to corporations. There are a few corporations that stand out from the rest that has a good amount of control on the government.
- Robohealth
- Robohealth is the main company that provides cybernetic parts. Running a near monopoly, they have driven up the prices and access to cybernetic parts higher and higher. There have been rumors that they have been working with the government to experiment with cyborg soldiers. Robohealth also has managed to appeal to the government about having cybernetic implants in military soldiers.
- Defense Society
- Defense Society is an arm-dealing company that specializes in "home defense", whether that means defending an entire planet from LAI or shooting down a robber in your home. They worked with the government to provide arms for them during The Solar War. In common society, the Defense Society has driven up access to weapons so that anyone with the money can have a highly dangerous and lethal weapon, often advertising it for defense against the LAIs "in case those tin cans dare come at us again." The Defense Society also has ties to certain government police forces and military.
How the people of the solar system generally live.
Body Modifications[edit]
The common person does have body modifications. Throughout history, the technology and science of mankind have progressed incredibly. Most humans are the results of "designer babies", who have had their genes modified for certain qualities. Changing the look of a human to be more "attractive" has been deemed illegal, but the use of this science to change hair color or eye color is legal. The main use of this science was to increase the constitution of a human being and has done exactly that.
Another body modification that is widely spread is cybernetic implants. In the past, this was only used for the replacement of lost limbs and organs, but now, it has become another way to simply make your body better. Though, getting money to pay for proper surgery for these implants is difficult, so most common people who desperately need it have to go through the arduous and painful process of getting underground surgery, often without the proper equipment for the cheapest cost
The education system of the Solar System is important for the people and government. The better the people are educated, the better candidates are elected. However, due to the control corporations have in the government, they have been influencing politicians to make education more inaccessible, so that they have control over who gets elected easier. This resulted in a growing class difference, people who are impoverished or poor have no access to education, including children, while wealthy and powerful individuals are able to easily send their children to schools.
As a result of this, the middle class has been diminishing. The poorer get poorer while the rich get richer. Education has become a privilege rather than a right, and the common person in 3023 A.D. has only gained education through videotapes or word-of-mouth. As such, educational videotapes have become a black-market product, often used to educate black-market employees, and are sold to the common person. It's not impossible to be properly educated through videotapes alone, but that is a privilege that the common person simply doesn't have time for. It is well-known that fights arise over educational videotapes.
Sports and games are an integral part of solar system culture that keeps people motivated.
Every year, the Solar System Cup is held, where each planet's best physical champions compete in a traditional Olympics. Each planet also holds its own Olympics to determine who the best athlete in the world is. Sports have changed considerably in the Olympics, dropping events like 200M sprints in favor of more gameshow-like premises. One of the most popular sports is a race in a simulated foreign world, called The Planet Dash. There are variables that change each race such as the atmosphere, the habitat it is held in, and what the competitors have to wear in order to protect themselves against the simulated harmful conditions. This sport was derived from the The 500-Year-Long War between humans and the sentient machine life they created, where humans had to fight in similar conditions. The theme of the sport is changed and announced annually, and athletes have to continue to adapt to each "planet".
A common tool for people to play in are Moving Zones, which are areas that have a changing structure. Some change structure once a week, while others change at all times. This is highly advanced nano-tech and is often only available to the wealthy.
Some playgrounds have evolved to be areas that have a changing structure every week or day. Taking advantage of this, children mimic the The Planet Dash in the changing playgrounds by playing a form of "tag". It is common practice that instead of playing "video games" like how their ancestors used to, humans now play similar games in a physically changing space similar to but simpler than the one that holds The Planet Dash.