Slime Armor (5e Equipment)

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Armor, rare (major) (requires attunement)

A armor that is a slime, It takes a DC14 insight check to tell if its lying. When you put the armor on that can look anyway the Slime wants and can be any color that the slime want (even transparent).

It can be any +1 armor that it chooses it can be any color it chooses the armor has 5 charges, as an action you can use 1 or more charges to cast the following spells with a spell save DC14, with one charge you can cast command as a first level spell and two charges you can cast hold person as a second level spell. It regains 1d4 charges at dawn. If you roll a natural 20 on any saving throw roll or attack roll then roll a d4 then chose a thing form the list below.

1It will become vary light and you gain 10 feet in movement speed for 1d3 rounds

2It will become any armor you want and color you want for 1d6 minuets.

3It will take some of the hit for you giving you 1d12 temporary hit points for 1d4 minuets.

4It will give you 1d4 charges to use on the spells above.

Curse. You can not take off or unattune from this armor and cant be removed from you in any way the only way to take off or unattune from this armor is for you to cast remove curse. You can not where any other clothes or armor if you do they will be disintegrated by the Slime's acid. whenever you roll a natural 1 on any saving throw roll or attack roll then roll a d4 then chose a thing form the list below.

1 It will become vary heavy and make you fall prone for 1d4 rounds.

2 It will become transparent for 1d6 rounds making you look naked.

3 It will cover your eyes making you bind for 1d4-1 rounds(min1).

4 It will pull you in a random direction its wants using your movement speed for 1d4 rounds.
Sentience. The armor is chaotic neutral; Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14 and Charisma 12 ability scores; the armor has 30ft blindsight and it can talk to the user telepathically.
Personality. The Slime armor is vary mischievous and loves pulling pranks and other jokes and is a vary good liar.

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