The creatures created through this process are likely to have thousands of HP. Creatures that are Ginormous and larger will be able to withstand meteor impacts and something as tiny as a sword is unlikely to be able to kill them. Due to their size, Polymorph and True Polymorph would be inadequate for altering their composition, as the spells were presumably first created by beings hundreds of times smaller and not designed to change bodies the size of planets.
This means that played straight, combat with anything bigger than Enormous will probably be a slog. It is recommended that when making characters extremely large, the DM gives them a built in weakness. Talos the metal giant was brought down by a spot on his ankle, the giants from Attack On Titan are weak at the back of the neck, etc. The weakness does not need to be physical though. Consider having a specific location or series of artifacts that are needed to weaken the creature or put it back to sleep. Due to the CR 30+ requirements of some of these creatures, players may need to unite nations, rally armadas, awaken titans, and join forces with dragons and gods just to have the manpower to threaten these beings. Remember, these are creatures that can tussle with The Tarrasque and stomp on mountain ranges. Defeating just one of them could take an entire campaign.
Size Categories Higher Than Gargantuan[edit]
Colossal |
40 by 40 ft.
Titanic |
120 by 120 ft.
Immense |
480 by 480 ft.
Enormous |
2400 by 2400 ft.
Stupendous |
14,400 by 14,400 ft.
Tremendous |
284 square miles (bigger than a city)
Humongous |
13,953 square miles (size of small US state)
Ginormous |
A mid-sized nation
Brobdingnagian |
Larger than the earth
Vast |
The size of a star
Astronomical |
The size of a solar system
Immeasurable |
The size of a plane of existence.
Hit Dice[edit]
Hit Die
Average HP per die
Colossal |
d24 |
12 1/2
Titanic |
d30 |
15 1/2
Immense |
d32 |
16 1/2
Enormous |
d34 |
17 1/2
Stupendous |
d36 |
18 1/2
Tremendous |
d48 |
24 1/2
Humongous |
d50 |
25 1/2
Ginormous |
d60 |
30 1/2
Brobdingnagian |
d100 |
50 1/2
Vast |
d120 |
60 1/2
Astronomical |
d144 |
72 1/2
Immeasurable |
d1000 |
500 1/2
Number of Targets Per Strike[edit]
Number of Targets
Colossal |
2 |
20 ft
Titanic |
4 |
60 ft
Immense |
6 |
120 ft
Enormous |
8 |
600 ft
Stupendous |
All within reach + City strike (15%) |
1500 ft
Tremendous |
All within reach + City strike (30%) |
100 miles
Humongous |
All within reach + Valley Strike (20%) |
1,000 miles
Ginormous |
All within reach + Valley Strike (40%) |
10,000 miles
Brobdingnagian |
All within reach + Planet-Strike (25%) |
1,000,000 miles
Vast |
All within reach + Planet-Strike (50%) |
10,000,000 miles
Astronomical |
All within reach + Reality strike (30%) |
1 light year
Immeasurable |
All within reach + Reality strike (60%) |
10 light years
Special Attacks[edit]
City Strike |
When this character makes an attack it can target a City. If it does, it has a Percentage Chance to deal 110 (20d10) bludgeoning damage to all characters within the city, from buildings collapsing on them. If it rolls above its chance, it instead merely destroys 1d6+1 blocks of the city and causes all characters in that area to suffer half as much damage.
Valley Strike |
When this character makes an attack, it can target a province, nation, or other division of land. If it does, it has a Percentage Chance to wipe out half of all characters of CR 10 or less in that area, dealing 220 (40d10) to all others and creates a massive valley in the process. On a failure, it only wipes out a quarter of all characters of CR 10 or less in that area and deals half damage to all others.
Planet Strike |
When this character makes an attack, it can target a moon or planet. If it does, it has a Percentage Chance to tears into the mantel of the planet, wiping out 99% of creatures on the planet and causing that planet to become largely uninhabitable for non-magical life. If it has already succeeded twice before with this attack against the targeted same planet, it turns the planet into a cloud of asteroids and meteors.
Reality Strike |
When this character makes an attack, it can target the plane of existence it is in. If it does, it has a Percentage Chance to deal 1 point of Ruination to that plane (see Ruination of Planes).
Special Rules[edit]
- Attacks deal half damage to characters that are Colossal or larger, unless the attacks is a Called Shot. As well, creatures that are Colossal or larger cannot be knocked prone or forced to move except by characters of their same size or higher.
- Titanic characters can only be CR20 or higher.
- Immense characters can only be CR23 or higher.
- Enormous characters can only be CR26 or higher.
- Stupendous characters can only be CR29 or higher. Stupendous and larger characters always have the Immutable Form feature and are immune to the effects of the banishment, soul cage, plane shift, and imprisonment spells and only creatures of the same size or larger can paralyze, stun, grapple, restrain, or otherwise decrease its movement or actions.
- Tremendous characters can only be CR32 or higher. Tremendous and larger characters are immune spells that don't have a radius and to weapon attacks that aren't magical.
- Humongous characters can only be CR35 or higher. Humongous and Ginormous characters double their Constitution and Strength Modifiers when added to HP, ability checks, saves and damage rolls.
- Ginormous characters can only be CR38 or higher.
- Brobdingnagian characters can only be CR41 or higher. Brobdingnagian and Vast characters triple their Constitution and Strength Modifiers when added to HP, ability checks, saves and damage rolls.
- Vast characters can only be CR44 or higher.
- Astronomical can only be CR47 or higher. Astronomical characters and larger characters quadruple their Constitution and Strength Modifiers when added to HP, ability checks, saves and damage rolls.
- Immeasurable characters can only be CR50 or higher. Immeasurable characters cannot be reduced below 1 HP. However, a wish spell or successful Divine Intervention can remove them from existence, while they are at 1 HP.
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