Siege Weapon Master (5e Feat)

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Siege Weapon Master

You have trained extensively with the weapons of war.

  • When you make a melee attack with a piece of siege equipment you are operating, you may add your Strength modifier and your proficiency bonus to the attack roll instead of the weapon's normal attack roll bonus, and you may add your Strength modifier to its damage roll.
  • When you make a ranged attack with a piece of siege equipment you are operating, you may add your Dexterity modifier and your proficiency bonus to the attack roll instead of the weapon's normal attack roll bonus, and you may add your Dexterity modifier to its damage roll.
  • When a piece of siege equipment you are operating would force a creature to make a saving throw, you may change the saving throw's DC to be equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and you may add your Wisdom modifier to its damage roll.

If multiple creatures with this feat are operating the same piece siege equipment, the attack uses the highest bonus among the creatures.

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