Shotgun Princess (Grisaire Supplement)
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (light armor)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +5, Cha +5 Brave. The shotgun princess has advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Keen Eyes. The shotgun princess has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Marksmanship. The shotgun princess gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls she makes with ranged weapons (included in actions). ACTIONSMultiattack. The shotgun princess makes two attacks with her hunting rifle. Hunting Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 10/30 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. Must be reloaded as an action after 12 shots. Pump Shotgun. The shotgun princess fires buckshot out in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
![]() By Yanied Born Lina Alvery to a family of lumberjacks, Lina was raised from a young age with stories from her grandfather about the March of Gears that nearly destroyed the forests she loved so much. Growing up in a humble hunter's family in Zesh, Lina became an acclaimed marksman among hunters. However, her family's stories always drove her to protect nature, even as a hunter. She is staunchly opposed to industrial encroachment of natural lands and has stockpiles of arms within her wooden cabin in the woods in case of an invasion. Her handling of guns is second to none and she can be found within the western forests of Zesh, setting traps and patrolling the wilderness. Sometimes, she will drop by town to procure supplies or sell her catches of the day. People who interact with her say she is a spitfire with a lot of spunk and spirit, brimming with vitality and tenacity.
It should be noted that Lina bears some negative feelings towards orcs. As a child, she was traumatized by a band of starving orcs that raided her family's neck of the woods. Her father was injured fending them off and she has bore some animus against them growing up. She does not dislike half-orcs so much in comparison. |