Shinobi Arts (5e Other)
- Mikiri Counter
- Type: Passive Arts
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
You learn to completely foil the attacks of those who try to keep their distance. When you deflect the damage of an attack with reach to 0, you stomp the deflected weapon or limb into the dirt. For the duration of the wielder’s turn they cannot make any more attacks with that weapon.
- Eavesdrop
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
As an action, you can open your ears to hear minute and distant noises as clearly as if they were right next to you. Until you stop concentrating on this ability (As if concentrating on a spell) You have advantage on perception checks that rely on hearing and can clearly hear normal speech out to a range of 100ft so long as additional sounds do not drown it out.
- Whirlwind Slash
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 1 Spirit Emblem
You envelop yourself in divine strength and spin in a violent slashing motion around you. As an action, If you are holding a weapon, you may make one attack against each creature within 5ft of you.
- A Shinobi’s Karma
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
You become more in tune with the divine magic that fuels you. You may create one additional spirit emblem equal to your intelligence modifier when you finish a long rest, and the maximum you can hold increases equal to your intelligence modifier.
- Shadowrush
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 1 Spirit Emblem
You take up a low stance and then surge towards an enemy, imagining them and vaulting over them in one swift motion. As an action, you can move at least 10, but no more than 30ft towards an enemy you can see without provoking opportunity attacks. You then make an attack against them. On a hit, the creature takes weapon damage, plus an additional 2d8 weapon damage. You then vault over the creature, landing in the space on the opposite side of where the attack landed.
- Suppress Presence
(Prerequisite: Proficiency in Stealth)
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
As an action, you can blend into the shadows around you and become nearly invisible. As long as you concentrate on this ability (as if concentrating on a spell) you gain two benefits:
- While you are lightly obscured, you are considered heavily obscured.
- If you fail a stealth check, or an enemy succeeds on a perception check to locate you, you can forfeit your next turn. If you do so, you either attempt your stealth check again, using the higher roll, or the creature who spotted you makes their perception check again and takes the lower result.
- Shinobi Eyes
(Prerequisite: Mikiri Counter)
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
You’ve trained your eyes to see weakness in your enemy’s attacks. You can add your intelligence modifier to your Deflect Die. Additionally, when you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to give yourself a bonus to your AC equal to your perception bonus against the triggering attack. If this causes the attack to miss, you gain an additional reaction that can only be used to use deflect, and you cannot gain any additional reactions until the start of your next turn. finally, you can see up to 1 mile away without difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you.
- Smoke Cloud
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 1 Spirit Emblem
- Duration: 1 Minute
When creature either hits or missed you by an attack, you may use a reaction to throw a bomb of smoke on the ground. A 15ft radius area around yourself become heavily obscured until 1 minute has passed.
- Shinobi Charm
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 3 Spirit Emblems
- Duration: 1 Minute
Creatures within 10ft come in front of you must roll a DC Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save being unable to be targeted by healing spells or recover hit points in any way for 1 minute.
- Breath of Life
(Prerequisite: 6th level)
- Type: Passive Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
A shinobi can calm the body and mind through measured breathing, even while killing. Doing so allows one to continue killing unabated. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, you may immediately expend a hit die, add your constitution modifier to it, and recover that many hit points. If you score a Deathblow on your turn and use this feature, the healing you receive is doubled.
- Bloodsmoke Ninjitsu
(Prerequisites: 6th level)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: None
- Duration: 1 Minute
You use your divine magic to create an explosion of blood smoke when you land a Deathblow. When you land a deathblow, you may use your bonus action to cause them to explode in a cloud of blood. The blood heavily obscures a 30ft radius sphere centered on the target.
- Bestowal Ninjutsu
(Prerequisites: 6th level)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 1 Spirit Emblem
You gain an additional 10 ft to your weapon's reach. Additionally, your weapon attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of necrotic damage. This lasts for a number of turns equal to your intelligence modifier.
- WAIT!!!
(Prerequisites: 6th level)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 3 Spirit Emblem
You make your enemies believe a false sense of security, using that opportunity to your advantage. You go on your hands and knees, pleading for your life. As a reaction, Creatures within 15 feet must roll a wisdom saving throw, be Charmed and being them have surrenderer on a fail saving throw. On a successful save, they're charmed or believe in your lies. In addition, wether or not they fail you can cast a Shinobi Art, Mushin Art or throw a Prosthetic Shuriken Tool as part of that same reaction. Finally, creatures that are Charmed have disadvantage versus DCs or you having advantage against them.
- Backflip
(Prerequisites: 10th Level, Loaded Shuriken)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 2 Spirit Emblem
You leaps backwards up to 15ft and 10t upwards, which doesn't initiate an attack of opportunity against you. You throw shurikens out in a 15ft cone and creatures in that area must make a DC Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking 4d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a success. In addition, If you have the Lazulite Shuriken upgrade, your weapon instead deals 4d10 radiant damage, increased to 8d10 against fiends and undead. You cannot use this art with the Fire Stream upgrade.
- Puppeteer Ninjitsu
(Prerequisite: 10th level)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 2 Spirit Emblem
As a bonus action when you kill a creature with a deathblow, you can fill their body with divine energy and force them to act. The affected creature retains its stats and abilities, excluding spellcasting, gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your intelligence modifier, and obeys your spoken commands for one minute. The body dies if it loses all its temporary hit points, or one-minute passes.
- Splash of Poison
(Prerequisites: 14th Level, Backflip, Sabimaru)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 5 Spirit Emblem
You leaps backwards up to 15ft and 10t upwards, which doesn't initiate an attack of opportunity against you. You throw splashes of corrosive poison like acid out in a 15ft cone and creatures in that area must make a DC constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking 6d10 acid damage and becoming poisoned for 1 minute or half as much on a success. A creature can spend an action and roll a medicine check vs the DC. In addition, If you have the Lazulite Sabimar upgrade, Fiends and Undead can be affected by its poison, even if they are immune to poison.
- Summon Owl
(Prerequisite: 17th level, Mist Raven)
- Type: Combat Art
- Spirit Emblem Cost: 2 Spirit Emblems
- Duration: 1 Minute
You summons a spectral owl to fly around yourself, the owl can take no actions except from the dash action and has a fly speed of 50ft. The owl is ethereal even though it can be seen. As a bonus action while the owl is summoned you may disappear into the spectral owl and then move inside it up to 100ft, you then reappear in the owl's space and makes your next attack with advantage.
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