Shikai True Form

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Shikai True Form True Shikai form,Once you have Mastered Kido Expert and Zanjustu Expert you are the Greatest Soul Warrior to Touch the other side, you're known throughout hell and heaven and any soul you interact with volunteers too help you in any way. To start with your base stats, your movement speed becomes a 150 if the user has additional boost for movement speed it may be applied,Your hit Dice becomes a 1d20, you are able to add +10 too your AC though it cannot Pass 35,Your Zanpakuto does +15 bonus damage,Your soul pressure is too immense that you almost can't contain it, take 5 psychic damage or release it on someone or an entire room and deal 10 psychic damage, doing this will make people fall and will have trouble breathing.

Now time for True Shikai form, to start off with True Shikai Form your movement speed is infinite you are beyond light speed and is faster than sound itself, (Your AC must stay under 45) you may add +15 too your AC, All Dice rolls receive a +15, Every person that attacks you must roll 3x disadvantage and Take -10 on all attacks or spells, whoever has the intent too kill must now take a 1d10 psychic damage, your Zanpakuto is your choice to form (Discuss with DM too shape your Blade),On all attacks you may roll a saving throw depending on the attack and will take half damage if under a 15 and no damage if over 15, If anyone is standing 10 feet o you, you may shield with your Soul pressure and can only be destroyed if it's hit points are depleted, it has hit points equal to your maximum .Now too enter this form you must spend all your reishi points and you may last in this form until deactivation once deactivating you are left with 1 Hit point.(includes 5 bonus actions and 4 turns).