Sekiro Item Supplements (5e Other)
Sculptor's Idols[edit]
While out of combat you may sit down in front of a Sculptor Idol and weave a sign to form a small blue flames around it. You can ignite a Sculptor once per week.
You may spend an 50gp to create a Sculptor's Idols even if you have already spent your weekly uses. You and an additional number of allied creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, may rest at this Sculptor Idol for 1 hour (or your full proficiency bonus if an gp was spent). The flames of the Sculptor Idol are nourishing and peaceful. Creatures who rest at this Sculptor Idol for the full hour gain the benefits of a long rest, even if they have already taken a long rest within the past 8 hours. In addition, creatures who rest at a Sculptor Idol for an hour gain the following benefits;
- Creatures may remove up to 2 ranks of Exhaustion (Or up to 3, if an gp was used to create the idol.)
- Creatures gain the benefits of the Greater Rejuvenation spell. (Or higher at 9th tier, if go was used for the idol.)
- Creatures gain a number of temporary hit points (Or thrice if gp was used for the idol.)
- Creatures gain an additional use of a feature that has a limited amount of uses per short or long rest by +1 (Or by +2 if gp was used for the idol.)
Creatures who rest at this idol lose all perception of time, and are protected by the flames. This rest cannot be interrupted by a hostile attack, though allies resting are not aware if one was attempted.
Healing Gourd[edit]
Wondrous item, rare
- A gourd filled with Vitality-restoring medicine. Resting refills the Gourd. Made by an apprentice of the extraordinary doctor, Dogen. Though it is strange that the gourd's medicinal waters refill automatically, the seeds within may hold the secret to how it works. It has 1 charge. You expend a charge to drink from it using your bonus action to regain 2d4+2 hit points.
- When you complete a long rest, this item regains all expended charges.
Gourd Seed[edit]
Wondrous item, uncommon
- Seed from which healing waters continuously spring forth. Give to Emma to increase the maximum uses of the Healing Gourd. The twisted gourd of medicinal waters was known throughout Ashina since long ago, but it was the extraordinary healer Dogen and his pupil Emma who discovered the self-replenishing nature of this seed. This seed and be used to increase its maximum charges by one. The Gourd Seed can only be added to one Healing Gourd at a time and cannot be removed.
Prayer Bead Necklace[edit]
Wondrous item, very rare
- First Prayer Necklace is a Key Item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
- Your Hit Point maximum increases by +5.
- Your Posture maximum increases by +1.
Prayer Beads[edit]
Wondrous item, rare
- Prayer Beads are a special Upgrade Material in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Each set of 4 increases Sekiro's maximum hit points and posture, there are 40 in total. Once you take a long rest, you can combine 4 Prayer Beads to make a Prayer Bead Necklace.
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