Scrap-Bot (5e Fallout Campaign Setting)
Physical Description[edit]
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Various robots that served as scrap-bots' inspiration [Source]. |
Metallic, mechanical creations of the post-war world, scrap-bots are mankind's best attempt to cobble together the scraps of machinery left behind into their prior form; exemplars of old world blues. Bearing the visage and silhouette of pre-war machines, their rusted, welded appearances reveal their true nature, with their builders often using home appliances, broken weapons, and even bone to fill in the gaps. From protectrons, to eyebots, to even sentry bots, scavengers across the wastes have attempted to bring pre-war power into their hands, though scrap-bots rarely fit their pre-war counterparts' strength.
Since mankind watched the bombs fall, they have yearned to reverse their destruction; to resurrect the past. Typically partially-reconstructed robots initially designed by RobCo Industries or General Atomics International, some of the earliest scrap-bot projects were began before the bombs even dropped by those with access to bits and pieces of replacement parts or scrapyards, though doing so was largely illegal. Since then, numerous civilizations and raider gangs have constructed their own scrap-bots to wage war on those around them.
The role a scrap-bot in society is determined almost entirely by their personality module. Due to their finnicky nature and higher-than-zero likelihood to malfunction and violate Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, most bots who only serve as manual labor or functions no more complex than a calculator or spreadsheet could achieve run solely on their factory firmware, leaving them emotionless workers capable of a limited number of tasks from authorized individuals.
When installed with a proper personality matrix, or even an uploaded ZAX artificial intelligence, scrap-bots are as versatile and capable, if not moreso, than an average human. Such scrap-bots are often preprogrammed to be at least favorable, if not entirely subservient, to the one that created them.
Scrap-Bot Names[edit]
Scrap-bot names are as varied as their construction, varying from normal human names, to descriptions of their construction (i.e. Sparks, Shakes, Sawbones), to serial codes (i.e. RL-3, RY-589, X-42).
Robot Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score decreases by 2.
Age. Scrap-bots have no set lifetime, continuing to live until either their programming or chassis critically fails.
Alignment. Scrap-bots are bound to their programming. Usually, anyway.
Size. Depends on subrace
Speed. Depends on subrace
Construct. Your type is Construct. Additionally, you are immune to the effects of all medical supplies except robot repair kits, and automatically succeed all Constitution saving throws. You are immune to the poisoned condition and radiation.
Machine Mind. As an action, you may switch off your personality matrix. You become immune to the charmed and frightened condition and your proficiency bonus gains a +1 bonus, but automatically fail Charisma checks and saving throws.
Incredibly Awkward. Almost all wasteland armor was designed for a human wearer. To wear any armor, you must spend half of its cost to have it refitted for you, including power armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. You must pick one of the following subraces:
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increase by +1.
Size. Assaultron scrap-bots are based off of pre-war assaultrons. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 50 feet.
Elegant Design. You were designed for speed first and foremost. You gain 1 fewer hit points each level, but armor dosent need to be refitted to fit you, nor does power armor.
Violent Jabs. Your hands are adorned with three spiked fingers. You may add your proficiency bonus to both your unarmed attacks' attack and damage rolls.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increase by +2.
Size. Eyebot scrap-bots are based off of pre-war eyebots. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a flying speed of 40 feet.
Fragile Ball. You must take the Big Brain trait, but you do not provoke opportunity attacks.
Energy Emitter. You do not have any limbs, though critical hits work the same mechanically. Instead, you have a built-in laser pistol that uses a MicroFusion Breeder. Every time you use it, you may choose whether this deals damage or moves up to 1 pound of material of your choice within 5 ft. of the impact site, thus allowing you to pick locks and access terminals. Additionally, when creating your character, you may choose whether your emitter deals damage on a hit, or causes non-construct creatures or constructs and objects to regain hit points equal to the damage rolled.
Uplink Codes. As a military communication device, or what's left of it, you have a portion of pre-war military codes. You have advantage on Arcana checks related to military technology.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increase by +2.
Size. Handy scrap-bots are based off of pre-war Mr. Handys. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Thruster. You hover 1 foot off the ground using a nuclear-powered thruster. You are not affected by difficult terrain while your thruster is on. This thruster makes a constant noise that can be easily noticed from up to 30 feet away. You may turn off your thruster as a bonus action, causing you to become prone and have your movement speed reduced to 0. This happens automatically if you are knocked prone. As a bonus action, you may turn on your thruster, causing you to no longer be prone.
Pre-War Comfort. You, or at least part of you, was designed to make upper-middle class America's life easier. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution increase by +2, your Intelligence decreases by -2.
Size. Protectron scrap-bots are based off of pre-war protectrons. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 20 feet.
Processor Shell. Your chassis has a thick protective shell to protect all of its vital components. The first critical hit scored against you becomes a normal hit. You regain use of this feature each time a robot repair kit is used on you.
Less Awkward. Armor being fitted for you costs half as much
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increase by +2.
Size. Robobrain scrap-bots are based off of pre-war Robobrains. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 25 feet.
Treads. You roll across the wastes on a pair of tank-like treads. You are not affected by difficult terrain. When you move through a prone creature's space, you may spend 10 feet of movement as a bonus action to make an unarmed attack against them, dealing an additional 2d4 melee damage on a hit.
Fragile Tank. You weren't designed for combat, but are mostly resistant to it. You gain a +2 bonus to your Ballistic, Energy, and Explosive AC, but vulnerability to melee damage.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence increase by +1.
Size. Securitron scrap-bots are based off of pre-war securitrons. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Wobbly. You roll across the wastes on a single wheel. You have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws to maintain your balance or avoid falling prone.
Built-In Armaments. You were designed to keep the peace, nothing more, nothing less. Your left arm bears a laser RCW, and your right arm bears a 9mm SMG (MP5), both of which have their Burst property removed and gain the Light property, and you can not be disarmed of them. You may switch between your hands acting as their weapons or as hands as a bonus action, but you may not wield any other weapons in your hands.
Sentry Bot[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increase by +4.
Size. Sentry bot scrap-bots are based off of pre-war sentry bots. You are Large.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 20 feet.
Wheels. You roll across the wastes on a trio of wheels. You are not affected by difficult terrain. When you move through a prone creature's space, you may spend 10 feet of movement as a bonus action to make an unarmed attack against them, dealing an additional 2d4 melee damage on a hit. In addition, you are immune to falling prone.
Tank. Your natural AC is equal to 11 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus for all damage types. Armor being refitted for you costs twice as much. Additionally, you must take the Hulk trait.
Piston Precision. You may use your Strength modifier to make ranged attacks.
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