Sanguinarian Chalice (3.5e Equipment)

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Sanguinarian Chalice: This chalice is crafted from silver with designs etched in black. Four bloodstones adorn the chalice equidistantly around the rim with vampiric faces etched in equidistantly between them. The faces have open mouths bearing fangs which close slightly with each charge used until they are fully closed when the day’s charges are depleted.

By speaking the word “Kdaav” the chalice will fill completely with blood up to three times a day. This blood will sate a vampire’s needs for both blood and life force when consumed.

Rather than being the creation of a vampiric cleric – the first such chalice was crafted by a cleric of St. Cuthbert who sought a means to coax vampires into not feeding upon the living.

Weak conjuration; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Cost 10,120 gp, 810 XP, 20 days; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 20,240 gp

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