Saiyans, Earthling Variant (3.5e Race)
Earthling Saiyans, Variant[edit]
Earthling Saiyans are similar to Earthling humans. They are more proud and will only respect someone smarter or stronger than them. Very arrogant due to this mindset.They have large appetites due to the amount of energy they release.
Physical Description[edit]
Saiyans, from the basic outlook, look identical to humans, although they age slower and live up to twice as long. However due to their culture they don't often live to their full age, always in the midst of combat. They are almost universally buff and strong, men and woman alike, due to this warrior culture. They possess black, dark brown, and brown hair but never natural blond, orange or red, and their eye colors vary as much as any human. They are born with quite a bit of hair to begin with and it grows slowly, often never changing in maximum length once fully grown. Most notably the Saiyans possess a long monkey tail, a weak sensitive point but useful for balance, and key to triggering the lycanthropic transformation into an Oozaru.
Saiyans are generally of the mindset of the Prideful Warrior, and as such as dominating and overbearing. They do not get along well with others unless they lose a struggle of wills or an actual fight. If such occurs, then they can grow to respect their opponents as strong.
Most tend towards a chaotic nature, as their natural desire for war usually overtakes any real sense of discipline or reason. They are usually Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral
Saiyans come from the planet Vegeta, Its existence has been terminated. But given the number of saiyans who have escaped to other worlds, and those who survived the destruction there are many possible clans out there. Today they live when Normal Humans live
Most Saiyans do not adhere to a specific god. But those who do usually worship Karaan, Erythnul, Kurell, or other War-Like Gods.
As Human.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +4 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom: Saiyans excel in all physical arts and sensitivity to the power of ki, yet their society of battle has left their minds something to be desired.
- Monstrous Humanoid (Monkey): Just as Saiyans do, Earthling saiyans contain a beast inside them.
- Medium: No Bonuses
- Saiyan base land speed is 30 ft. Base flight speed is 60 ft (Good maneuverability), however, at less than 50% health, a Saiyan flies at half this speed. Also at 25% health, a Saiyan reduces Good maneuverability to poor.
- +4 to jump, swim, and climb skills
- Ki System: Same as the Trait
- Ki Charge: Same as the Feat
- Ki Power: The character has learned to tap into the mysterious ki energies flowing throughout their body. Learning to channel this power, they can manifest it in many forms. Each Ki power has a ki point cost that is to be deducted from the character's Ki Pool every time it is used. All Ki powers require a standard action to activate unless otherwise mentioned. All abilities that aren't stated otherwise will require a reflex save with DC of Base Class Level + (Highest Mental Score) + 10. The powers are done below. Note: You can exchange your ki powers for custom moves or named moves from npcs. Also, Ki Powers require intense study and training. Therefore, if taking a caster class must choose between Ki Powers or Spells and the decision is final.
- Ki Sense: This ability allows the user to feel the life force of all creatures around him. This unique sense grants the user of this ability Blindsense except that the user does not need line of effect to sense any target within 500 feet. Additionally, the user is able to focus on any one creature or target within range and he can duplicate the effects of a Status spell, including on invisible or stealthed creatures.
When another ki user, such as Saiyan Warrior, Ki Fighter, Monk, Ninja, Kensai, Sacred Fist, Drunken Master, or other class with "ki" related or monk-like abilities are within 1 mile per base class level from the user, he get a 6th sense alerting him to the presence of this ki. When he receive this feeling he gets a general direction, distance and feeling for how powerful the persons ki is. (Note:Their 6th sense should never be described numerically based on level, distance or strength of the person being sensed. Instead it should be described generally i.e. "You feel an overwhelming ki presence, very far away to the northeast." or even "You feel a rather small ki presence very close by to the south"). This ability works very accurately within 1 mile per base class level in a spherical circumference from the user, and can accurately identify the exact source of the ki within 100 feet even in a pact crowd.
The accuracy for this ability, or if it will even function beyond 500 feet is always at the DM's discretion. This power is negated by another character that is using the Ki Supression ability to completely hide their ki regardless of their actual power. If a character dies, their life force disappears. A user with this ability cannot sense divine beings.
This ability also allows the user to know the general overall strength of another creature in relation to themselves, see below.
Comparing Relative Power
Targets Hit Dice VS the Saiyan's Perception 10 hit dice less Extremely weaker 8 hit dice less Much weaker 6 hit dice less Weaker 4 hit dice less Slightly less powerful 2 hit dice less About the same power 2 hit dice more About the same power 4 hit dice more Slightly more powerful 6 hit dice more More powerful 8 hit dice more Much more powerful 10 hit dice more Extremely more powerful.
- Tail: Saiyans have a fully prehensile tail which grants them a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks, and is the source of their Oozaru transformation. The tail has 4 hp per HD of the Saiyan and a maximum carrying capacity equal to the Saiyan's base strength score −6.
A Saiyan's tail can be removed by anyone with a slashing weapon making an attack roll against the tail. Saiyans may wear the tail around their waist for an additional +10 bonus to AC against attack rolls made against their tails. Saiyans who lose their tail immediately lose their racial skill bonuses, their Oozaru alternate form ability, and take a −4 penalty on Balance, Climb, Jump, Move Silently, Swim, and Tumble checks for that day. The penalty is reduced by 1 at the end of each following day. Tails can be restored by Regenerate, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle spells, or they can regrow naturally. See the regrowth table below.
- Tail weakness: A Saiyan's tail is packed full of sensitive nerves; because of this, if the tail is grabbed and squeezed hard enough, it causes the Saiyan to become dazed. If an opponent has both hands free, they may make a grapple check. The DC is 10 + the Saiyan's hit dice + the Saiyan's Dexterity modifier. The DC is increased by +10 if the Saiyan's tail is around their waist like a belt. If the attacker is successful, the Saiyan is rendered dazed. For each following round that the attacker wants to maintain the daze they must make another full round grapple check and the DC for the grapple increases by +2 each round. If the attacker fails the grapple check, then the Saiyan immediately breaks free and may act normally.
- Zenkai bonus: What doesn't kill a Saiyan, only makes them stronger, literally! When in a battle against an opponent whose Challenge Rating exceeds the Saiyan's Challenge Rating by at least 2, and when in a legitimate life-or-death situation (not sparring with a friend, or in a situation rigged in the Saiyan's favor), and then the Saiyan is brought down to negative hit points and survives, after healing up to full hit points, the Saiyan becomes stronger than before. After recovering to full health from a near-death experience, the Saiyan gains an experience bonus equal to his total character level multiplied by the number of hit points between −1 and −9 that they were below 0 hp (maximum of −9), and then multiplied by 10.
So, for example: Lucian, a 5th-level Saiyan, fights an Eight-Headed Hydra, which is a CR 7 monster, and gets brought down to −5 hit points, but is saved by his allies. After being restored to full health (either by rest or magic), Lucian would gain experience equal to his hit dice (5) multiplied by the 5 hit points that he was below 0, and then multiplied by 10, which would look like this: 5 (for HD) × 5 (hp below 0) = 25 × 10 = 250. So Lucian would gain an immediate 250 experience points upon reaching full health.
A Saiyan still dies at −10 hit points like any other character would. A Saiyan who dies as normal and is then resurrected does not gain a zenkai bonus or any other benefits, regardless of what spell is used to restore them.
- Oozaru form: When the Saiyan takes on the Oozaru form, they enter a frenzied rage (unless he has the Saiyan Elite feat). His size increases by two size categories as he transforms into a were-ape like creature covered in thick brown fur with a long snout with razor-sharp teeth and solid red eyes. An Oozaru's effective intelligence drops to 6 and he forgets his own identity, and becomes chaotic evil. Once per transformation the Saiyan may attempt at any point in the transformation to make a DC 25 Control Shape check to regain his senses and can distinguish friend from foe, however he retains his 6 Intelligence. Click here to get more information on how this transformation works and for diplomacy checks to help control an Oozaru. A Saiyan raised among other Saiyans knows of this form and what happens during a full moon, most Saiyans generally keep good track of when the next full moon is, and may go to bed early so that they won't change during the night, that is; unless they intend to change.
- Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex): A Saiyan always has Control Shape as a class skill. In any form, a Sayian can communicate and empathize with other Sayians and Oozarus. This gives them a +4 racial bonus in all forms on all checks when influencing an Oozaru's attitude and allows the communication of simple concepts such as "friend", "foe", "flee", and "attack".
- Natural Armor: A Saiyan's tough skin protects him from harm and grants him a +2 natural armor bonus to AC.
- Latent Power: Starting at 1st level, a Half-Saiyan gains +2 bonus ki points. He also gains a number of bonus power points equal to his class level in any class he takes that has a power point system such as Saiyan Warrior, Psion, Ninja, Mana points mage, etc. If they gain levels in multiple classes they gain this benefit for each class, but must record and keep each pool seperate. This benefit does not grant them the ability to cast spells or manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source. Because Half-Saiyans are so much more in touch with their emotions than a Saiyan, Half-Saiyans find it much easier to fulfill the emotional component of the Super Saiyan transformation. A Half-Saiyan get a +4 bonus on all saving throws to obtain and keep any of the Super Saiyan transformations.
- Half-Saiyans gain +4 skill points at first level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. (The 4 skill points at first level are added on as a bonus, not multiplied in; see the Players Handbook).
- Saiyan Blood: For all effects related to race, a Half-Saiyan is considered a Saiyan. Half-Saiyans for example are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect Saiyans as their Saiyan ancestors are, and they can use magic items or feats (such as Saiyan Elite) that are only usable by Saiyans.
- Saiyan Transformations (Su): Saiyan can gain transformations at certain levels.
- Automatic Languages: Common
- Favored Class: Barbarian
- Level Adjustment: +3
- ==Ki Power List== (able to use any as long they meet the ki usuage requirements etc.)
- Ki Volley: Small fireball shaped projectiles. Shooting a ki volley takes 2 ki points per shot. May only fire 1 ki volley per round as a standard action. These ki volleys are ranged touch attacks dealing an amount of damage equal to his current raw unarmed strike damage, with a Reflex saving throw for half damage. They have a range of "medium" (100 ft + 10 ft /base class level). The DC for the save is 10 + ½ base class level + Dexterity modifier.
- Ki Wind: In order to use this ability a user expels his ki from his body which creates a wind coming from the user for as long as he continues to spend ki on this ability. Depending on how much ki he expels per round decides how strong of a wind he can produce. See the table below and page 95 of the 'Dungeon Masters Guide' for the effects of each wind type.
Alternatively a user may thrust their fist at an opponent who is flat footed or otherwise denied their Dexterity bonus to AC and may use the force of the wind to do a ranged touch attack to cause 1d6 slashing damage.
Ki Wind Effects
Ki Spent Per Round Wind Strength 2 Light 4 Moderate 6 Strong 8 Severe 10 Windstorm
- Energy Wave: This Ki power is treated as a ray attack out to short range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) fired from your hand, that does damage equal to 1d6/level + twice their (Highest mental) Modifier. This power costs 4 Ki points.
- Finger Beam: This Ki power is treated as a ray attack out to short range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) fired from your finger tip, that does damage equal to 1d4/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier 20/x3 critical multiplier. This power costs 4 Ki points.
- Mouth Energy Wave: This Ki power is treated as a ray attack out to short range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) fired from your mouth, that does damage equal to 1d8/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier. This power costs 4 Ki points.
- Explosive Wave: This Ki power is treated as an area attack out to short range in all directions (5ft + 5ft/2 levels) from you, that does damage equal to 1d4/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier and knock back those hit to the end of the area range. This power costs 4 Ki points. Note: Can be used as a defensive cast.
- Kaio-ken: A user may use his ki to push his body beyond its normal limits for a short period. To use this technique a user must spend 5 ki points as a swift action and takes 1d4 damage to enhance his physical form. When the user does this he gains +2 Strength and +2 Dexterity, +10 feet bonus to all movement speeds and a +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks for the rest of the current round and until the end of his action next round.
A user can enhance this bonus by multiplying the effect. A user may multiply the effect by the number of class levels they have in their base class. For example. when done, a Kaio-ken ×2 costs 10 ki points and deals 2d4 damage to the user which grants bonuses of +4 Strength and +4 Dexterity, +20 movement speeds and +4 bonus on all Listen and Spot checks, but still only until the end of his action next round. For each multiplier the user attempts that is more than the level of their base class, the user also takes 1 point of Constitution damage to pay for the multiplier that they shouldn't yet be able to do.
A user must have enough available ki points to fuel a multiplier he chooses and the maximum potential damage that it could cause to his body must not be able to take him below 1 hit point and the temporary constitution damage cannot take him below 3 constitution or the multiplier fails.
- Solar Flare: This ability gives the user the ability to use their ki energy to produce a bright blinding light that emanates from the user in all directions costing 5 ki points. All creatures within 30 feet who's eyes are not already shut or covered, except characters who's backs are to the user must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the user's base class level + user's Dexterity modifier) to cover or close their eyes before being blinded. Any creature who fails the save is blinded for 2 rounds, and then dazzled for 4 additional rounds there after. After which time the character can see normally again. A user can increase the save DC for this ability by +1 for each additional 2 ki points spent.
- Beam Blast: This ability enhances on the user's ki volley attack, but he has learned how to infuse his ki volleys with more continuous ki energy. This beam takes a full round action to prepare and provokes an attack of opportunity. If struck a user must make a concentration check to continue the attack. The beam can then can be fired on the user's following turn as a full round action. This attack automatically deals the normal Ki Volley damage, and the user can spends 5 points of ki to add 2d6 damage to the attack. He may spend 5 ki per base class level on the beam. This ki is spent during the first full round action.
The beam is resolved as a ranged touch attack with a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is DC 25 + the users Dexterity modifier. If the beam misses the original target completely it continues on for 100 feet per base class level until it strikes another creature or object. The beam must also hit a secondary creatures touch AC and must then also make the same Reflex saving throw as the original. If it strikes an unattended object or surface such as a wall, mountain or ground, then it bypasses any objects hardness and that surface or object takes the damage instead with no save. A user can take no other actions while using this ability including move and move equivalent actions and even free actions.
- Energy Rings: When the user uses this ability he must spend 5 ki and he creates ring(s) of energy and directs them as a ranged touch attack against a target within 60 feet. If successful it initiates either a grapple check against a standing target or a pin attempt against a prone target or a target against a large surface such as a wall.
The grapple and pin attempts are resolved as normal using the user's normal Strength, abilities and feats that relate to pins or grapples. The rings can be broken out from with a DC 25 Strength check or with a DC 35 Escape Artist check. Rings have both a hardness and hit points equal to the users base class level. The 5 ki spent allows the user to create up to 6 rings per 5 ki spent. The user must spend 5 ki whether it creates 1 ring or 6. All rings created go off of a single ranged touch attack to determine success for initiating the grapple or pin.
- Pump up: Is a power up move, this move is a full round action to use, that grants the user more strength and power at the cost of speed. the warrior reduces their speed and dex by half to double their str and con for 1d4 rounds, cost 6 ki points to engage and 2 ki points per round to sustain (this stacks with Transformations).
- Planet Geyser: This Ki power is a full round action firing a ki blast charged with extra ki to an area to explode on impact, fired a short range (10ft + 5ft/2 levels) from you then explodes creating a giant geyser-like blast that emerges from the ground, that does damage equal to 1d8/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier to all those in a 15ft + 5ft/2 levels area and knock back those hit to the end of the area range. This power costs 6 Ki points.
- Full Power Energy Wave: This Ki power is treated as a ray attack out to short range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) fired from your hand, that does damage equal to 1d10/level + twice their (Highest mental) Modifier. This power costs 10 Ki points.
- Super Explosive Wave: This Ki power is treated as an area attack out to short range in all directions (10ft + 5ft/2 levels) from you, that does damage equal to 1d10/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier and knock back those hit to the end of the area range. This power costs 12 Ki points. Note: Can be used as a defensive cast and must know the explosive wave ki power.
- Continuous Energy Bullets: This Ki power allows the character to perform a barrage of energy blasts from their ki, striking any single opponent in medium range 15ft + 5ft/level for 1d8/level + (Highest mental) modifier per blast. Making an attack against AC. This power costs 5 Ki points per bullet (max bullet number=base class level).
- Full Power Energy Blast Volley: This Ki power allows the character to perform a barrage of energy blasts from their ki, striking any single opponent in medium range 20ft + 5ft/level for 1d10/level + (Highest mental) modifier per blast. Making an attack against AC. This power costs 5 Ki points per blast (max blast number=base class level).
- Full Power Energy Ball: This Ki power is treated as a ball attack out to short range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels) fired from your hand, that does damage equal to 1d10/level + their (Highest mental) Modifier. This power costs 10 Ki points. Note: Character must know this ki power in order to learn/create Sphere type attacks from a master.
- Thunder Shock Surprise: As a full round action a user may spend 13 ki points and channel his ki into his hands, transforming it into electricity. He can then shoot it out at an opponent as a ranged touch attack. If he hits, he deals 2d6+4 points of electricity damage, and the opponent must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 his class level + his (Highest mental) mod) or be paralyzed.
He may maintain this technique on the opponent as long as he spends a full round action concentrating and spends an additional 13 ki. If a user is hit while concentrating he must make a concentration check (DC 10 + dmg dealt) to keep the power active.
The opponent takes 2d6+4 points of electricity damage every round so long as they are stuck in the electricity, and are entitled to a fortitude saving throw each round to escape. The DC of the Fortitude save is reduced by 1 for each round the attack continues. If the opponent of is immune to electricity, he is immune to the entire attack.
- After Image: This ability gives the user the knowledge of how to increase his physical speed to incredible levels in short bursts. When the user is attacked, and the attacker misses by 8 or more points, the user may spend 15 ki points to take an immediate move action of up to 20 feet (even before his opponent can continue with a full attack action) as tho using a Dimension Door spell with the following exceptions. The user may still act after the 20 foot movement if they have not had their turn in the current round, they may not bring along any other creatures and the user leaves behind a minor image of themselves at their previous location, that vanishes at the end of the current turn. Another character with the Ki Sense ability is aware of the user's movement. This ability cannot be used with any other abilities that allow immediate actions.
- Destructo Disc: This ability gives the user the ability to use 15 ki points to create a spinning buzz saw of ki above their head in a flat circular disk shape. It can be thrown as a ranged touch attack that bypasses hardness as a +5 adamantine weapon and deals 6d6 points of localized damage, meaning that at DM discretion, the disc may saw off entire limbs, or if the damage is greater than the targets remaining hit points, may even saw a target in half.
The disk has a range of 80 feet per round with average maneuverability, sawing through solid matter in its path. If the disc does not reach its target in the first round or if it misses, the user can use a full round action in the next round to realign the disc to follow the target.
The disc dissipates when it has used up the 36 points of damage by passing through the hit points of solid material between the user and the target or if it has not used up its damage total or hit the target of the ability after 5 rounds of being realigned the energy disolves.
- Candy Beam
Cost : 30 ki Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target : 1 Saving Throw Fort : DC = 10 + 1/2 the user's class level + the user's (Highest mental) modifier Effect : Eat = 1d4 per HD.
You fire a pink beam from one of your fingers costing 30 ki points, making a ranged touch attack against a single creature or nonmagical object within close range. If the attack hit, the creature (or magic item) is allowed to make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the user's class level + the user's Highest mental) modifier) or instantly turn into a candy of your choice. The candy is delicious and acts as a powerful goodberry when eaten, except it heals 1d4 damage per HD the target had instead of the normal amount of healing. The target is considered dead and it's body and nonmagical possession are considered destroyed, magic items the creature wore simply fall to the ground.
A creature and it's equipment destroyed by this power may be recovered by a miracle, wish or true resurrection spell.
- Death Beam: As a standard action a user can spend 30 ki points and use a finger to point at the target of this attack within 30 feet and fire a condensed beam of energy from his finger as a ranged attack against the target. If successful the target takes 3d6 damage and must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the user's class level + the user's (Highest mental) modifier) or immediately die.
- Instant Transmission: This ability acts like a greater teleport spell with a caster level equal to the user's base class level. The user must place his index and middle fingers against his forehead as a focus component and spend 1 standard action focusing on where he wants to go and spend 15 ki points to teleport. He may take along 1 willing medium or smaller creature per class level whom are touching him or touching someone else who is touching him. Large creatures count as two medium creatures and huge creatures as 2 large creatures etc. when calculating whom he may take with him.
Alternatively, the user may use Instant Transmission to teleport within 100 feet of his current location as a swift action, costing 25 ki points. This use of Instant Transmission does not require the index and middle fingers pressed to the forehead as a focus component. This ability cannot be used with any other abilities that allow immediate actions.
Unlike greater teleport, Instant Transmission can cross interplanar boundaries, but only in cases when the user has the "ki" or life force of a familiar creature to lock onto. The 'beacon' creature does not get any special awareness that they're acting as the user's focus for this purpose and need not be a willing participant. In order to cross interplanar boundaries the user must spend 1 full round action with his aforementioned fingers against his forehead to lock onto the life force of the target that's acting as a beacon and spend 50 ki points for this manner of travel. When trying to cross interplanar boundaries, the user must roll on the teleportation table found on page 293 of the Player's Handbook as an area that has been "Seen Casually" and follow all of the normal rules for the normal teleport spell for off target arrival, similar areas and mishaps.
- Nova Chariot: A Warrior who sees a beam blast is about to be used on him, can go into this offensive stance as an immediate action. When he is hit by the beam blast he must successfully pass the reflex save for the beam. If he does, he can spend 26 ki and appear adjacent to the opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity. He then is allowed to take one attack at his highest base attack bonus, with a +4 to attack and damage. If the beam does not hit the Warrior than this ability does nothing and he does not spend the ki, but if he fails the reflex save he still spends the ki and takes the full brunt of the beams damage.
- Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: To use this ability a user must spend 1 full round action creating tiny ki ghosts from his mouth costing 5 ki each and can create up to a number of ghosts equal to the number of attacks he can make with his flurry of blows or a full round attack.
These ghosts are tiny creatures that hover off the ground as soon as created occupying their own 5 ft space. Each ghost has the user's face and hair in appearance but are completely white and have mitten shaped hands and a wispy tail for legs.
These ghosts have No strength or constitution scores, they have a dexterity equal to the user's and an AC of 10 + the users Dexterity modifier. These ghosts have only 1 hit point each and a fly speed of 80 feet with perfect maneuverability.
On the following round the user may direct these ghosts as a swift action and they act during his turn and follow his direction to the best of their ability and last for 5 rounds or until detonated.
These creatures will immediately explode upon any kind of physical contact (Them touching the ground, each other, someone touching them, someone hitting them with a weapon or spell ability, etc) regardless of whether or not that contact makes them lose their 1 hit point. When a ghost explodes it causes an 15 ft explosion centered on the square it occupied and any creature in that 15 ft area takes 6d6 damage and can make a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the user's base class level + his Dexterity modifier) for half damage.
- Death Slash: As a standard action a user can spend 60 ki points and manifest a ranged beam attack of condensed energy. Using their finger, the user slashes at all targets within 30 (+10 feet per base class level) feet in a 180 degree radius. If successful the targets take 1d8 damage per class level and must make a Fortitude save (DC = 19 + 1/2 the user's base class level + the user's (Highest mental) modifier) or immediately die.
Any portion of the slash that misses the original targets completely continue on for 100 feet per class level until it strikes another creature or object. If the slash strikes an unattended object or surface such as a wall, mountain or ground, then it bypasses any objects hardness and that surface or object takes the damage instead with no save.
- Deathball: As a standard action and spending 30 ki, the user creates a small orb of ki on a single finger tip. The user may then launch the attack as a ranged touch attack during his turn. This attack automatically deals the normal Ki Volley damage, and the user can spends 5 points of ki to add 2d6 damage to the attack. He may spend 5 ki per base class level on the ball.
In addition upon impact the blast explodes in a 20ft radius burst. All creatures caught in the blast take your projectile's full damage, and are entitled to a Reflex save for half damage (the creature that is directly struck is not entitled to a save).
Any creature with an intelligence score of 8 or higher will perceive the attack as extremely dangerous.
Special: The user may spend an addition 100 ki to enhance this attack causing the damage and size of the ball increase drastically.
If the user chooses to enhance Deathball in such a way, the blast radius also increases from 20 ft. to 300 ft and the damage to increase by 50%. (EX 2d6 to 3d6, 4d6 to 6d6, and so on.) In addition if a opponent witnesses the enhancement of Deathball with an intelligence score of 8 or more they must succeed on a will save (DC = 19 + 1/2 base class level + (Highest mental) Modifier) or be frightened on a unsuccessful save.
If a creature is knocked to HP were they would be considered dead, the target is treated as if it was effected by disintegration, even if they are immune to such effects.
- Ki Rings: When the user uses this ability he must spend 20 ki and he creates ring(s) of energy and directs them as a ranged touch attack against a target within 100 feet. If successful it initiates either a grapple check against a standing target or a pin attempt against a prone target or a target against a large surface such as a wall.
The grapple and pin attempts are resolved as normal using the user's normal Strength, abilities and feats that relate to pins or grapples. The rings can be broken out from with a DC 25 Strength check or with a DC 35 Escape Artist check. The user can spend additional Ki, equal to 10/Class level, to increase the DC by 5 per 10 Ki spent. Rings have both a hardness and hit points equal to the users class level. The 20 ki spent allows the user to create up to 6 rings per 20 ki spent. The user must spend 20 ki whether it creates 1 ring or 6. All rings created go off of a single ranged touch attack to determine success for initiating the grapple or pin.
Special: The user may spend additional 25 ki per class level. Using Ki rings in this way temporally dampens the opponents Strength and Dexterity by the amount of Ki spent.
- Dragon Fist: To use this ability the user must make a charge attack against his opponent that is at less than half health which he can determine with Ki Sense or Improved Ki Sense. During the charge attack he must spend 50 ki to surround his fist with his ki, creating the effigy of a serpentine dragon around his fist. The user then makes 1 attack at his highest base attack bonus against the target.
If successful the target must make a Fortitude save DC 25 + the user's Strength modifier or die as the user punches a hole completely through their torso. Against creatures that are at least 1 size category larger than the user he drives his entire body through the chest cavity of the target on a failed save.
A successful save by the target indicates that they instead take 1d6 damage per base class level of the user. If this damage would kill them then they still have a hole punched through their torso.
- Ki Sword: A character using this ability is able to focus his ki in a special manner that allows him to be able to create a sword of ki energy. This sword is treated for all intensive purposes as a bastard sword and overcomes damage reduction as though it were a +5 magical adamantine weapon with 2 exceptions. Firstly, the user may weild this sword in 1 hand with no penalty and secondly the Ki Sword cannot be enchanted or enhanced by any other spell or ability.
Therefore, the Ki Sword deals 1d10 + strength for damage with a threat of 19-20 X2. Because it acts as an adamantine weapon it ignores hardness less than 20 when attacking any object.
- Scatter Shot: To do a scatter shot, as a full round action, the user fires (and pays ki points for) a number of ki volleys equal to twice the amount of attacks that he can make with his flurry of blows attack or full attack action. The user fires the ki volleys all around his opponent with no intention of hitting the target until he has fired all of the ki volleys he is allowed. The ki balls stop and stay stationary at various locations within 10 feet of the target. At the user's direction, the ki volleys all converge on the target simultaneously.
This attack is resolved as a single ranged touch attack and denies the target their dexterity modifier to armor class as well, even against characters with the Uncanny Dodge ability. If the ranged touch attack is successful the target is not entitled to a Reflex saving throw because the explosion is centered on them. This ability deals an amount of damage equal to the user's unarmed strike damage × the number of attacks he can make with his flurry of blows ability or a full attack action.
- Spirit Bomb: The spirit bomb (also called a Ganki Dama) is one of the most powerful abilities that a ki warrior can use. To use the Spirit Bomb a user must be of a good alignment. In order to start a spirit bomb a user places both hands palms up into the air and spends the first full round saying the incantation: "The rivers, the trees, the wind, mountains, oceans and seas, vast lands of the earth, offer me your fighting spirit, I ask of you, please!" The user then waits as all non-sentient life on the planet gives the user a small piece of their life energy.
The user MUST remain with his palms held facing the sky to receive the energy or the ability fails. If the user tries to move while his palms are up he must make a successful Concentration check (DC = twice the distance moved or the ability fails). Every round that the user spends waiting on the life energy the damage goes up by a number of dice equal to the number of rounds he's been waiting. The first round is a 1d6 damage spirit bomb, on the second round he's waited for 2 rounds so the 1d6 from last round +2 is 3d6, then on the third round he's been waiting 3 rounds so the previous 3d6 + 3 is 6d6, then 10d6, 15d6, 21d6, 28d6, 36d6, 45d6, 55d6, 66d6, 78d6, etc. The user may then launch the attack as a ranged touch attack during his turn. The body of any creature killed by a spirit bomb disintegrates.
The user must be in an out door area to use this ability, and have sufficient room to allow the energy to grow. On the first 4 rounds the orbs energy fits within the square that the user occupies. For the 5th round and every other round there after the circumference of the orb increases to take up an additional 10 feet of space. Meaning the orb is 15 feet wide at 15d6, 25 feet wide at 21d6, 35 feet wide at 28d6, etc.
Any creature with an intelligence score of 8 or higher will perceive the attack as extremely dangerous the longer the user is gathering energy. A user hit while gathering the energy must make concentration checks, DC = damage dealt, or lose the energy and have to start the attack over again.
The spirit bomb will not work on planes or planets that are devoid of life. This ability does not cost the user any ki points because the ki for the attack is being provided by the life forms of the planet. This ability has the Good descriptor for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and deals only 1/2 damage when used against a Good target.
- Warp Blast: To use this ability, the user must start using his Beam Blast attack as normal and spend the ki on it during the first full round action as normal. However, rather than releasing the energy and hoping it hits, a user can spend 15 ki to use Instant Transmission as an immediate action to teleport himself directly in front of his target at the beginning of his turn in the second round to delivery the blast directly infront of the target.
Doing this makes the Beam Blast an immediate success with no attack roll and the target gets no save to reduce the damage.
Unlike with normal uses of Instant Transmission, for this purpose the user does not need to hold his fingers to his forehead as a focus component.
Vital Statistics[edit]
puberty | Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
21 years | 30 years | +1d4 | +1d6 | +2d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
80 years | 120 years | 160 years | +2d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 4' 10" | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
Female | 4' 5" | +2d10 | 85 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
Special Racial Information[edit]
Tail Regrowth[edit]
Age at the time of tail loss |
Regrows in 1d4 weeks |
Regrows in 2d4 months |
Regrows in 3d4 months |
Never Regrows Naturally |
Birth - 14 years | 01 - 80 | 81 - 90 | 91 - 98 | 99 - 00 |
15 - 20 years | 01 - 75 | 76 - 80 | 81 - 90 | 91 - 00 |
21 - 28 years | 01 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 80 | 81 - 00 |
29 - 40 years | 01 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 00 |
40+ years | 01 - 04 | 05 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 00 |
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